An Apostle's Restoration (John 21:1-19)

April 09, 2017 00:31:23
An Apostle's Restoration (John 21:1-19)
Covenant Words
An Apostle's Restoration (John 21:1-19)

Apr 09 2017 | 00:31:23


Show Notes

Rev. Austin Olive (Guest preacher)
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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.640 --> 00:00:04.879 Well, please remain standing for our reading of the scripture this evening. Our 2 00:00:04.919 --> 00:00:08.990 scripture reading for the sermon comes from the Gospel according to Saint John, in 3 00:00:09.150 --> 00:00:15.150 the twenty first chapter, versus one through Nineteen, John Twenty one one to 4 00:00:15.310 --> 00:00:22.339 nineteen. This is the word of the Lord. After these things, Jesus 5 00:00:22.420 --> 00:00:26.780 showed himself again to the disciples of the Sea of Tiberius, and in this 6 00:00:26.940 --> 00:00:32.619 way he showed himself. Simon Peter, Thomas, called the twin Nathaniel of 7 00:00:32.740 --> 00:00:36.289 Cana and Galilee, the sons of Zebode, and the two others of his 8 00:00:36.409 --> 00:00:41.329 disciples, were together. Simon Peter said to them, I'm going fishing. 9 00:00:42.409 --> 00:00:45.770 They said to him, we're going with you also. They went out and 10 00:00:45.850 --> 00:00:50.479 immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. But when 11 00:00:50.520 --> 00:00:54.119 the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore. Yet the disciples 12 00:00:54.200 --> 00:00:58.600 did not know that it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, children, 13 00:00:59.200 --> 00:01:03.079 have you any food? And they answered him no, and he said 14 00:01:03.079 --> 00:01:07.069 to them casting that on the right side of the boat and you will find 15 00:01:07.150 --> 00:01:10.709 some. So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it 16 00:01:10.829 --> 00:01:15.829 in because of the multitude of fish. Therefore, that disciple whom Jesus loved, 17 00:01:15.950 --> 00:01:19.340 said to Peter, it's the Lord. Now in Simon Peter heard that 18 00:01:19.459 --> 00:01:23.060 it was the Lord. He put on his outer garment, for he had 19 00:01:23.099 --> 00:01:26.299 removed it, and plunged into the sea. But the other disciples came in 20 00:01:26.420 --> 00:01:30.299 the little boat, for they were not far from land, but about two 21 00:01:30.299 --> 00:01:34.969 hundred cubits, dragging the net with fish. Then, as soon as they 22 00:01:34.010 --> 00:01:38.290 had come to land, they saw a fire of coals there and fish laid 23 00:01:38.329 --> 00:01:42.170 on it in bread. Jesus said to them bring some of the fish which 24 00:01:42.250 --> 00:01:46.450 you have just caught. Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to land 25 00:01:46.530 --> 00:01:49.519 full of large fish, one hundred and fifty three. And although there were 26 00:01:49.560 --> 00:01:53.760 so many, yet the net was not broken. Jesus said to them come 27 00:01:53.920 --> 00:01:57.439 and eat breakfast. Yet none of the disciples dared ask him. Who are 28 00:01:57.560 --> 00:02:01.950 you, knowing that it was the Lord, Jesus then came and took the 29 00:02:02.030 --> 00:02:06.629 bread and gave it to them, and likewise the fish. This is now 30 00:02:06.670 --> 00:02:09.870 the third time Jesus showed himself to his disciples after he was raised from the 31 00:02:09.949 --> 00:02:15.389 dead. So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, 32 00:02:15.099 --> 00:02:20.060 Simon son of John. Do you love me more than these? And he 33 00:02:20.180 --> 00:02:22.979 said to him, yes, Lord, you know that I love you. 34 00:02:23.539 --> 00:02:27.699 And he said to him, feed my lambs. And he said to him 35 00:02:27.699 --> 00:02:30.849 again a second time, Simon son of John, do you love me, 36 00:02:30.969 --> 00:02:32.969 and he said to him, yes, Lord, you know that I love 37 00:02:34.090 --> 00:02:38.289 you. He said to him, ten my sheep. He said to him 38 00:02:38.330 --> 00:02:44.319 the third time, Simon Son of John, do you love me? Peter 39 00:02:44.479 --> 00:02:46.879 was grieved because he said to him the third time, do you love me? 40 00:02:47.599 --> 00:02:51.199 And he said to him, Lord, you know all things. You 41 00:02:51.319 --> 00:02:54.759 know that I love you. Jesus said to him, feed my sheep. 42 00:02:55.840 --> 00:02:59.909 Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded 43 00:02:59.990 --> 00:03:02.830 yourself and walked where you wished, but when you are old, you will 44 00:03:02.870 --> 00:03:07.270 stretch out your hands in another will girde you and carry you where you do 45 00:03:07.509 --> 00:03:12.389 not wish. This he spoke, signifying by what death Peter would glorify God. 46 00:03:13.340 --> 00:03:15.740 And when he had spoken this, he said to him follow me. 47 00:03:17.139 --> 00:03:22.259 Thus farest reading of God's holy word. The grass withers in the flower fades, 48 00:03:22.340 --> 00:03:30.490 but the word of our Lord endears forever. Please be seated. Let 49 00:03:30.530 --> 00:03:35.210 us pray. Father God, we thank you for this your word that you 50 00:03:35.330 --> 00:03:38.409 have given us. We pray again, Lord, that you had set aside 51 00:03:38.449 --> 00:03:44.080 all of our distractions and the things which clutted the mind. Give us your 52 00:03:44.120 --> 00:03:46.400 grace, Lord, that the words of my mouth and the meditations of our 53 00:03:46.560 --> 00:03:51.479 hearts would be pleasing to you, and then we might learn the things you 54 00:03:51.520 --> 00:03:54.199 would have us learn and be reminded of the things you would have us be 55 00:03:54.400 --> 00:03:58.550 reminded of, and that we would draw near to you by the power of 56 00:03:58.669 --> 00:04:08.069 Your Holy Spirit. For we ask this in Jesus name. Amen. Well, 57 00:04:10.340 --> 00:04:15.540 you know, in the Christian life, sometimes we feel very close to 58 00:04:15.620 --> 00:04:20.220 God, don't we? We have, from time to time, these mountain 59 00:04:20.339 --> 00:04:27.730 top experiences in our lives. We feel like nothing could ever come between us 60 00:04:27.889 --> 00:04:33.129 and God. In those times it seems like he's our most constant companion, 61 00:04:33.329 --> 00:04:40.000 that he's our ever present encourager, and it seems like our closeness to God 62 00:04:40.319 --> 00:04:46.000 is so sure, so so natural, that nothing could ever damage that relationship. 63 00:04:47.800 --> 00:04:50.959 But then there are other times in our lives when we feel very far 64 00:04:51.040 --> 00:05:00.589 from God. Maybe we've done something truly awful, maybe we've gotten ourselves caught 65 00:05:00.629 --> 00:05:05.829 up in some destructive patterns or habits, maybe we get overwhelmed at all the 66 00:05:05.990 --> 00:05:10.899 things that are required of us in this life and we feel our inadequacy, 67 00:05:10.939 --> 00:05:15.300 or or we just look at ourselves and we see that we're just really broken 68 00:05:15.420 --> 00:05:24.050 down sinners. Maybe we just get cold in heart. But whatever it is, 69 00:05:24.329 --> 00:05:29.569 there are times when we feel very far from God. We long for 70 00:05:29.730 --> 00:05:33.089 him, but we feel like our failures and our sins just keep us from 71 00:05:33.129 --> 00:05:39.079 him. He seems to withdrawn from us. We look for him and and 72 00:05:39.240 --> 00:05:43.000 we can't find and we go down those old paths we used to go of 73 00:05:43.240 --> 00:05:47.519 prayer or scripture reading or looking for something in nature or in other people or 74 00:05:47.560 --> 00:05:51.910 whatever it may be, but we cannot seem to find him and we wonder 75 00:05:51.990 --> 00:06:00.389 if we will ever feel close to the Lord again. Well, this morning 76 00:06:00.550 --> 00:06:06.420 we saw Jesus's last call to repentance of his earthly ministry and we considered the 77 00:06:06.500 --> 00:06:11.060 women that he addressed on the via the Laurosa as he was being led out 78 00:06:11.100 --> 00:06:14.899 of Jerusalem to the place of execution. And we saw, I think, 79 00:06:15.019 --> 00:06:19.889 something profound about Jesus's conception of what he was doing on Good Friday, namely 80 00:06:20.009 --> 00:06:25.170 that he was on his way to save his bride, his people, his 81 00:06:25.329 --> 00:06:30.970 church and that he was going to betrothe us to himself as our bridegroom, 82 00:06:31.250 --> 00:06:35.800 and I think that remembering that is a great way to begin a remembrance of 83 00:06:36.000 --> 00:06:42.319 this Holy Passion Week today, on Palm Sunday. So that's what we did 84 00:06:42.399 --> 00:06:46.120 this morning and now this evening I'd like us to look at the great news 85 00:06:46.600 --> 00:06:50.709 of Easter, the great news of the Resurrection, and what that means for 86 00:06:50.790 --> 00:06:58.990 us as we start out on this Easter Week. And I want US especially 87 00:06:58.990 --> 00:07:01.420 to be thinking about that. Is what I just talked about, those times 88 00:07:02.060 --> 00:07:08.259 when we feel very far from God and when our faith seems old and cold. 89 00:07:08.339 --> 00:07:13.139 And in particular, I'd like us to see what we can learn from 90 00:07:13.180 --> 00:07:17.689 how Jesus is resurrection turned around the life of one of the greatest failures in 91 00:07:17.810 --> 00:07:25.250 the entire Bible, namely Simon Peter, the Apostle Peter. And I'd like 92 00:07:25.370 --> 00:07:29.050 us to do that by looking at a couple of three scenes from the week 93 00:07:29.089 --> 00:07:34.959 or so before and after Jesus death and resurrection. Now, do y'all remember 94 00:07:35.680 --> 00:07:40.920 at the last supper that Jesus told the disciples? He said they would all 95 00:07:41.199 --> 00:07:46.189 forsake him that night? We remember that, but of course Peter who was 96 00:07:46.430 --> 00:07:51.550 brash and overconfident and thought he knew everything. He told Jesus true to form. 97 00:07:51.629 --> 00:07:56.949 He said, I don't believe it, I will never forsake you. 98 00:07:58.110 --> 00:08:03.620 And Peter didn't believe that because he felt so close to Jesus, he loved 99 00:08:03.660 --> 00:08:07.500 him so much, he was his best friend. He would never do such 100 00:08:07.540 --> 00:08:13.290 a thing to Jesus. But of course Jesus told Peter. He said, 101 00:08:13.370 --> 00:08:18.889 not only will you forsake me, but you will deny me, and not 102 00:08:18.129 --> 00:08:26.329 one time, Peter, but three times in one night. But Peter still 103 00:08:26.370 --> 00:08:31.879 didn't believe it. He told Jesus that night that he would rather die than 104 00:08:31.000 --> 00:08:35.360 deny him. But but he was wrong, wasn't he? And we see 105 00:08:35.440 --> 00:08:39.720 that in Luke, chapter twenty two, and want you to listen to this. 106 00:08:39.879 --> 00:08:46.029 This is from the night in the courtyard when Jesus was being tried. 107 00:08:46.190 --> 00:08:50.629 Having arrested Jesus, they led Jesus and brought him to the high priest's house, 108 00:08:52.509 --> 00:08:56.340 but Peter followed at a distance. Now, when they had kindled a 109 00:08:56.379 --> 00:08:58.860 fire in the midst of the courtyard and then sat down together, Peter sat 110 00:08:58.899 --> 00:09:03.740 among them, and a certain servant girl, seeing him as he sat by 111 00:09:03.779 --> 00:09:07.419 the fire, looked intently at him and she said this man was also with 112 00:09:07.580 --> 00:09:13.529 Jesus, but he denied him, saying, woman, I do not know 113 00:09:13.690 --> 00:09:18.769 him. And after a little while another saw him and said you are one 114 00:09:18.809 --> 00:09:22.649 of them, but Peter said, man, I am not. Then, 115 00:09:22.730 --> 00:09:28.279 after about an hour had passed, another confidently affirmed, saying surely this fellow 116 00:09:28.399 --> 00:09:31.600 was with him, for he is a Galilean. But Peter said, man, 117 00:09:31.799 --> 00:09:37.399 I do not know what you're saying. And immediately, while he was 118 00:09:37.600 --> 00:09:43.750 still speaking, the rooster crowd and the Lord turned and looked at Peter. 119 00:09:43.789 --> 00:09:46.750 Then Peter Remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said to him 120 00:09:46.750 --> 00:09:52.830 before the Rooster Crows, you will deny me three times. So Peter went 121 00:09:52.899 --> 00:09:58.379 out and wept bitterly. Now, as we come to this passage, we 122 00:09:58.580 --> 00:10:05.419 see how all of Peter's sins and failures and his guilt and inadequacy, it's 123 00:10:05.460 --> 00:10:11.809 all just piling up and up and up. At the last supper he denied 124 00:10:11.929 --> 00:10:18.409 that he would ever deny or stumble at Jesus. But then that very night 125 00:10:18.610 --> 00:10:24.000 in the garden of get simony, while Jesus was sweating blood and was torn 126 00:10:24.039 --> 00:10:28.960 apart at the thought of the agony that was coming for him, Peter just 127 00:10:28.159 --> 00:10:33.679 slept the night away. Then, when Jesus was arrested, Peter drew his 128 00:10:33.879 --> 00:10:39.509 sword to try to defend Jesus and cut this guard's ear off, only to 129 00:10:39.629 --> 00:10:43.549 have Jesus rebuke him and then heal the ear of the fellow he had wounded. 130 00:10:46.269 --> 00:10:50.940 And now we find Peter slinking around in the shadows while Jesus was condemned 131 00:10:52.299 --> 00:10:58.299 and mocked. And finally Peter Does precisely what Jesus had foretold and he denies 132 00:10:58.460 --> 00:11:03.889 Jesus three times before the rooster crowd. And all of this, I mean, 133 00:11:05.009 --> 00:11:09.970 this is bad. This is really bad, and I'm sure that it 134 00:11:11.289 --> 00:11:16.009 every single point Peter had to feel worse and worse about himself, but he 135 00:11:16.169 --> 00:11:24.000 was seemingly unable to stop failing Jesus. He didn't want to do this anymore, 136 00:11:24.039 --> 00:11:28.240 but he just kept on doing it. Surely he resolved every time to 137 00:11:28.320 --> 00:11:35.669 do better, but when the moment came, his fear and confusion and in 138 00:11:35.789 --> 00:11:41.269 Adam at an inadequacy got the better of him every single time and he failed 139 00:11:41.309 --> 00:11:46.470 again. But is it bad? Is All of that was what we see 140 00:11:46.590 --> 00:11:52.100 here, and what I just read is the final blow to him. While 141 00:11:52.139 --> 00:11:56.340 Peter was still speaking, the rooster crowde and the Lord turned and looked it 142 00:11:56.539 --> 00:12:01.809 Peter. Then Peter Remembered how the word of the Lord, how he'd said 143 00:12:01.809 --> 00:12:07.970 he would deny him three time before the grouster crows. So Peter went out 144 00:12:07.490 --> 00:12:20.120 and wept bitterly. Jesus turned and looked at Peter just as the words are 145 00:12:20.279 --> 00:12:26.600 spilling out of his mouth the last time and just as that rooster is crowing 146 00:12:28.720 --> 00:12:37.789 from way across the courtyard, Jesus turns and his eyes met Peters. Now 147 00:12:37.909 --> 00:12:43.659 you know what Peter must have felt and what he must have thought. Suddenly, 148 00:12:43.700 --> 00:12:48.059 Luke tells us, Jesus his words came back to Peter and all of 149 00:12:48.139 --> 00:12:52.500 his failure came down on him like a ton of bricks. In my mind's 150 00:12:52.539 --> 00:12:56.899 eye, I imagine that all of his failures of the whole day came back 151 00:12:58.019 --> 00:13:03.250 to mind. All of his proud, self confident conversations with Jesus were ringing 152 00:13:03.529 --> 00:13:07.769 back hollow in his ears and all he could see in that moment was his 153 00:13:07.970 --> 00:13:15.200 total and complete failure and inadequacy. And Luke tells us, with all of 154 00:13:15.399 --> 00:13:20.960 that echoing in his mind, Peter broke down racked with sobs and fled the 155 00:13:20.080 --> 00:13:30.230 place. And you know, as I think about this, I am always 156 00:13:30.350 --> 00:13:35.269 struck by how like Peter I am, aren't you? I mean all of 157 00:13:35.350 --> 00:13:39.190 us go through this thing with the Lord and and even with other people all 158 00:13:39.269 --> 00:13:46.259 the time. We blow it again and again and so often it seems that 159 00:13:46.580 --> 00:13:52.820 that Jesus is probably just as angry and just as horribly disappointed at us because 160 00:13:52.860 --> 00:13:58.529 of it as we imagine he is. Has perhaps other people have been at 161 00:13:58.570 --> 00:14:03.409 us when we've been angry? I mean, how often have we all wept 162 00:14:03.450 --> 00:14:09.159 over our failures and grieved in our hearts because of what wretched people we are? 163 00:14:13.039 --> 00:14:16.039 And like Peter, we run away from it, we run away from 164 00:14:16.039 --> 00:14:22.519 Jesus's presence because we cannot bear to feel the weight of God's gaze upon us 165 00:14:22.240 --> 00:14:31.909 when we finally see how broken and weak we really are. But the Wonderful 166 00:14:31.190 --> 00:14:37.389 Gospel according to Easter, as that this is not the end of the story. 167 00:14:39.580 --> 00:14:45.340 We know that that very night Jesus was condemned. The next day he 168 00:14:45.500 --> 00:14:50.019 was crucified dead and was buried. Three days later he rose from the dead 169 00:14:50.139 --> 00:14:56.009 and the women came running up from the tomb to tell the disciples the news 170 00:14:56.690 --> 00:15:00.210 that the empty or the tomb was empty and he was risen. And as 171 00:15:00.289 --> 00:15:05.409 soon as they heard that, remember Peter and John just start running as fast 172 00:15:05.450 --> 00:15:11.320 as they possibly could down to the tomb. And as Peter is racing down 173 00:15:11.360 --> 00:15:15.039 there, you know his feet are slippering it, slipping in this in the 174 00:15:15.120 --> 00:15:18.919 gravel. He's running so fast. He's just flying down there with John. 175 00:15:20.240 --> 00:15:26.629 What do you suppose was in his mind and in his heart as he was 176 00:15:26.629 --> 00:15:31.870 springing to that tune? Well, surely there was. There was hope, 177 00:15:31.029 --> 00:15:35.379 there was joy in his heart. I mean surely he's so incredibly glad that 178 00:15:35.620 --> 00:15:41.940 maybe couldn't be true. Jesus was risen from the dead, just as he 179 00:15:41.139 --> 00:15:50.090 said. But along with that, I'm sure there was something else in Peter's 180 00:15:50.169 --> 00:15:56.090 mind and heart as well. Along with that hope and joy, you know, 181 00:15:56.450 --> 00:16:02.169 there was guilt and anxiety. There's this there's this mixture of longing and 182 00:16:02.850 --> 00:16:10.919 fear. On the one hand he's like it's true he is risen, but 183 00:16:11.120 --> 00:16:18.870 on the other hand, oh my doubts, my denials, my despair, 184 00:16:19.750 --> 00:16:27.830 my faithlessness. Laughter. They went down to the tomb. We know that 185 00:16:27.909 --> 00:16:33.019 Jesus appeared to the disciples in their room and he showed himself to them and 186 00:16:33.179 --> 00:16:37.899 it was a scene of great amazement and joy and happiness. You know it 187 00:16:38.259 --> 00:16:45.779 was. But you fast forward a few days and we see a very different 188 00:16:45.820 --> 00:16:48.850 sort of picture. And this brings us to the passage that I read this 189 00:16:49.049 --> 00:16:55.690 morning, nor this after this evening for our scripture reading John Chapter Twenty one. 190 00:16:57.450 --> 00:17:02.200 Now, the first thing we see in the passage that we read is 191 00:17:02.279 --> 00:17:04.839 that, after all of the initial excitement and joy of the resurrection, it 192 00:17:06.000 --> 00:17:11.640 seems that Peters now become very melancholy and sad. In Verse Three of Chapter 193 00:17:11.839 --> 00:17:18.829 Twenty One, John Begins the story by telling us that Peter decided to go 194 00:17:18.990 --> 00:17:23.710 fishing. Jesus has risen from the dead, but Peters decided that he's going 195 00:17:23.789 --> 00:17:27.109 to go fishing, and it seems to me that he said this in something 196 00:17:27.150 --> 00:17:32.259 of a dejected way. You know, you can picture him. They're sitting 197 00:17:32.299 --> 00:17:37.339 at a table around a camp fire and suddenly Peter Pushes back and stands up 198 00:17:37.460 --> 00:17:44.369 impulsively. He goes. He says, I'm going fishing. We've seen people 199 00:17:44.490 --> 00:17:48.250 do that, we probably done it ourselves. And then, after a night 200 00:17:48.369 --> 00:17:52.809 of fruitless fishing, which must have been that much worse. You know I 201 00:17:52.890 --> 00:18:00.480 mean. Now Peters of failures, a fisherman too. Just as the disciples 202 00:18:00.480 --> 00:18:07.000 are about to give up, what happens? Jesus appears on the shoreline and 203 00:18:07.200 --> 00:18:11.240 he hollers at them to try the net again from the other side. And 204 00:18:11.400 --> 00:18:17.230 as they're hauling the net in, John goes to Peter says, Hey, 205 00:18:17.829 --> 00:18:22.069 look, it's Jesus. And and and Peter looked at these Jasus, Jesus, 206 00:18:22.109 --> 00:18:26.740 and he's so excited and he just he grabs his coat and he dives 207 00:18:26.779 --> 00:18:33.460 into the water to swim after Jesus. Now it seems Peter's Melancholy is overcome 208 00:18:33.619 --> 00:18:40.859 by his love and excitement for Jesus. So just as he acted impulsively to 209 00:18:40.900 --> 00:18:45.450 go fishing, now he acts impulsively and jumps off the boat to go see 210 00:18:45.490 --> 00:18:48.089 Jesus. He just has to swim there before they can get the boat there. 211 00:18:48.130 --> 00:18:51.890 And and for some reason he takes his coat with him in the water. 212 00:18:52.809 --> 00:18:59.799 And that little tidbit tells you how discombobulated the man is. I'm just 213 00:18:59.839 --> 00:19:04.599 going to grab my coat when I go for an unnecessary swim. But then 214 00:19:06.000 --> 00:19:12.990 a little later in Verse Eleven, Here Peter Decides to make himself useful and 215 00:19:14.150 --> 00:19:21.589 he drags in three hundred or more pounds of fish all by himself. Now, 216 00:19:21.710 --> 00:19:32.339 don't miss that. The risen Jesus is standing right here and Peter Decides 217 00:19:32.420 --> 00:19:34.579 to be used. Three hundred kid. I mean, have you ever dragged 218 00:19:34.619 --> 00:19:40.690 anything over wets and let alone three hundred and some odd counds of flapping fish? 219 00:19:41.849 --> 00:19:48.890 Let me imagine that. That just seems like a really odd thing to 220 00:19:48.970 --> 00:19:52.329 do if you're so all fired up to go swim with your coat to go 221 00:19:52.490 --> 00:19:57.200 see Jesus. But I think the reason that he does this here in Versi 222 00:19:57.200 --> 00:20:02.519 Leven is because Peter's sense of failure and inadequacy's come to the fore again. 223 00:20:03.839 --> 00:20:10.670 See, what's going on here is that Peter's guilt and shame and inadequacy was 224 00:20:10.910 --> 00:20:18.109 so overwhelming that every moment he spent with the risen Jesus was both ecstasy and 225 00:20:18.309 --> 00:20:26.539 misery at the same time. He loved Jesus so much and being with him 226 00:20:26.579 --> 00:20:33.299 was so wonderful, but every time he looked at Jesus's eyes, you know 227 00:20:34.769 --> 00:20:41.410 he was thinking of that night in the courtyard. And if you noticed, 228 00:20:42.410 --> 00:20:52.799 Jesus still hasn't mentioned Peter's failure when hot you know, Peter was thinking of 229 00:20:52.920 --> 00:20:57.240 it constantly, and so that had to be just that much more misery for 230 00:20:57.400 --> 00:21:03.039 Peter. So here's Peter, you know, back and forth, back and 231 00:21:03.319 --> 00:21:07.549 forth. Now he's too depressed to sit still, and now he's so happy 232 00:21:07.630 --> 00:21:14.750 to see Jesus that he acts like a fool. Now he feels so guilty 233 00:21:14.869 --> 00:21:19.019 that he starts some job that's too big for him just so he can get 234 00:21:19.059 --> 00:21:26.380 his mind off of his guilt and his shame. But I want you to 235 00:21:26.500 --> 00:21:32.380 take notice of what happens in verses fifteen to nineteen, when they get eaten 236 00:21:32.420 --> 00:21:37.650 breakfast. Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon Son of John, do you 237 00:21:37.769 --> 00:21:41.089 love me more than these? And he said to him, yes, Hord, 238 00:21:41.170 --> 00:21:44.609 you know I love you. And he said to him, feed my 239 00:21:44.650 --> 00:21:48.960 lambs. He said to him again a second time, Simon son of John, 240 00:21:48.039 --> 00:21:52.359 do you love me, and he said to him, yes, Lord, 241 00:21:52.160 --> 00:21:56.960 you know that I love you. He said to him the third time, 242 00:21:56.279 --> 00:22:02.390 Simon Son of John, do you love me? Peter was grieved because 243 00:22:02.390 --> 00:22:04.309 he said to him the third time do you love me? And he said 244 00:22:04.309 --> 00:22:07.670 to him, Lord, you know all things, you know that I love 245 00:22:07.789 --> 00:22:15.859 you. and Jesus said to him feed my sheep. Now I want to 246 00:22:15.980 --> 00:22:22.259 know two important things here. First, as they were eating together, Jesus 247 00:22:22.380 --> 00:22:27.660 casually turns to Peter and he says so, Simon Johnson, you love me, 248 00:22:30.089 --> 00:22:37.049 just casually. He loved me more than these. Now just think about 249 00:22:37.130 --> 00:22:45.680 how that sounded like an accusation before, at the Last Supper, Peter had 250 00:22:45.799 --> 00:22:52.640 said that he loved Jesus more than anybody and then he failed him more than 251 00:22:52.640 --> 00:23:00.630 anybody. But Peter just says you know, yes, Lord, you know 252 00:23:00.710 --> 00:23:10.029 that I love you. and Jesus doesn't condemn him, Jesus doesn't accuse him, 253 00:23:10.789 --> 00:23:18.259 he just says feed my lambs. Next Jesus asked the same question again 254 00:23:18.299 --> 00:23:25.019 and Peter, Surely with tears brimming up in his eyes, he says yes, 255 00:23:25.420 --> 00:23:30.410 Lord, you know that I love you. Jesus says, tend my 256 00:23:30.569 --> 00:23:37.730 sheep. And finally Jesus asks the third time, Simon Son of John, 257 00:23:38.890 --> 00:23:47.279 do you love me? John Tells US Peter was grieved, and that is 258 00:23:47.480 --> 00:23:55.910 obviously an incredible understatement, I would imagine. They he began to sob again, 259 00:23:56.349 --> 00:24:00.190 like he did that night in the courtyard, and through the tears he 260 00:24:00.869 --> 00:24:07.670 says, Lord, you know all things you know that I love you, 261 00:24:10.019 --> 00:24:17.980 and Jesus simply said feed my sheep. Now, why does Jesus ask this 262 00:24:18.140 --> 00:24:23.890 of Peter Three times and bringing this big, strong fisherman to tears? Well, 263 00:24:23.970 --> 00:24:30.529 he says it three times because Peter denied him three times. See, 264 00:24:30.890 --> 00:24:37.849 Jesus did this in this way to show Peter that what he had done was 265 00:24:37.970 --> 00:24:42.440 undone. Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the 266 00:24:42.599 --> 00:24:49.480 world, and the Gospel of Easter is that Jesus has taken away not only 267 00:24:49.680 --> 00:24:57.109 the sins of the world, but your sins and mine. And the great 268 00:24:57.230 --> 00:25:02.710 thing of the resurrection is that Jesus says to each and every one of us 269 00:25:03.029 --> 00:25:07.029 that, no matter what it is we have done, no matter what our 270 00:25:07.069 --> 00:25:11.299 guilt, no matter what our shame, it's what he said the last thing 271 00:25:11.460 --> 00:25:18.220 that he uttered from the Cross. It is finished and he has erased it 272 00:25:18.819 --> 00:25:26.890 all. And not only did Jesus Erase our sin on the cross of calvary, 273 00:25:26.369 --> 00:25:30.690 but he now has risen to prove that it's so and to reign so 274 00:25:30.849 --> 00:25:36.759 that daily he can assure us of his love and His forgiveness. And all 275 00:25:37.000 --> 00:25:41.079 that you and I have to do to receive. That is simply say yes, 276 00:25:41.440 --> 00:25:45.279 Lord, I love you and I am so very sorry for what I've 277 00:25:45.319 --> 00:25:52.869 done. And he stands there waiting to smile and tell us that we aren't 278 00:25:52.869 --> 00:26:02.789 rumored, but we're his friends and that everything is okay. It's what he 279 00:26:02.829 --> 00:26:06.059 said at the very beginning of his ministry. He came preaching and he said 280 00:26:06.220 --> 00:26:12.380 repent and believe it's very simply means in Greek, turn around and trust me. 281 00:26:15.660 --> 00:26:22.329 Just turn around and trust him. And the second thing that I want 282 00:26:22.369 --> 00:26:26.529 us to notice here is that Jesus approaches Peter exactly as he did at the 283 00:26:26.569 --> 00:26:33.039 very beginning. He Calls Him Simon, son of John. Jesus is calling 284 00:26:33.079 --> 00:26:37.000 him by the name that he went both by before Jesus gave him his nickname 285 00:26:37.079 --> 00:26:41.960 of Peter, and he speaks to him each time as though it was their 286 00:26:42.000 --> 00:26:48.950 very first meeting. And then in verse Nineteen, he finishes the conversation by 287 00:26:48.069 --> 00:26:53.549 saying, simply follow me. Now, if you remember, the first time 288 00:26:53.829 --> 00:27:00.109 that Jesus called Peter to be his disciple, he did precisely the same things 289 00:27:00.230 --> 00:27:04.299 we see here with the miraculous catch of fish in Luke chapter five. And 290 00:27:04.460 --> 00:27:08.700 then he calls to the disciples in Matthew Chapter Four, and he says come 291 00:27:08.859 --> 00:27:15.490 follow me. So what's going on here is that Jesus not only forgave Peter, 292 00:27:17.690 --> 00:27:22.650 but he recommissions him. But it's not just that. The reason this 293 00:27:22.849 --> 00:27:29.890 story is here is for us to tell us that Jesus loves us just as 294 00:27:29.970 --> 00:27:36.480 much today when we sin, as he did the first time we ever came 295 00:27:36.599 --> 00:27:45.910 to know him. Every single time you screw it up, every time you 296 00:27:45.309 --> 00:27:51.029 blow it and you feel like a great big failure when other people look at 297 00:27:51.069 --> 00:27:56.269 you and tell you you are shameful and horrible, when your own heart condemns 298 00:27:56.349 --> 00:28:03.660 you. The Gospel is that Jesus is just as ready to welcome you home 299 00:28:03.779 --> 00:28:08.339 and accept you and your simple prayers, you as he was the very first 300 00:28:08.380 --> 00:28:14.130 time you ever heard his call in your heart. And that's because every day 301 00:28:14.369 --> 00:28:21.170 with Jesus is in new day. Every morning has the same hope as that 302 00:28:21.369 --> 00:28:30.480 first Easter moment morning. And know we may actually though we will fail time 303 00:28:30.920 --> 00:28:36.279 and time again, and though each time we blow it, each time we 304 00:28:36.599 --> 00:28:41.029 do something awful, it may seem like the darkest of midnight, the Gospel 305 00:28:41.069 --> 00:28:47.589 tells us that Easter morning is still waiting to dawn and you, as soon 306 00:28:47.670 --> 00:28:51.549 as you tell Jesus what it is that you've done and ask him for His 307 00:28:51.750 --> 00:28:57.900 forgiveness. And there's one last thing I want to encourage you with as we 308 00:28:57.980 --> 00:29:07.220 close. Just as Jesus knew what Peter would do when he predicted Peter's denials, 309 00:29:07.259 --> 00:29:12.609 he knows exactly what you're fixing to do. In fact, he can 310 00:29:12.690 --> 00:29:19.329 do every single sin that you would ever commit as he hung on the cross 311 00:29:19.329 --> 00:29:27.160 of calvary. And just as Jesus watched Peter, even as Peter was in 312 00:29:27.240 --> 00:29:33.559 the midst of denying him, in that same way Jesus watches you and he 313 00:29:33.799 --> 00:29:40.470 sees your every sin. But Peter was wrong when he thought that Jesus looked 314 00:29:40.470 --> 00:29:45.549 at him with judgment or accusation, because Jesus doesn't do that to his people. 315 00:29:47.269 --> 00:29:52.500 Jesus was looking across that courtyard at Peter with compassion and unders standing, 316 00:29:52.619 --> 00:30:00.299 because right then Jesus was about to go to the Cross and die for that 317 00:30:00.099 --> 00:30:08.690 very sin. And to you this evening, as we begin this this Easter 318 00:30:08.890 --> 00:30:15.170 Week, I want you to know that the Great Blessed Gospel Hope of Easter 319 00:30:15.650 --> 00:30:22.400 is that there is no condemnation for those who love God, because Jesus has 320 00:30:22.559 --> 00:30:30.799 taken all of the punishment you deserve. Jesus died for you. Your sins 321 00:30:30.839 --> 00:30:36.950 and your guilt went with him into the grave and when he rose again, 322 00:30:37.390 --> 00:30:42.670 your sin did not. There is no condemnation now, because the sin is 323 00:30:42.910 --> 00:30:51.700 dead and we live in the risen Lord Jesus. And now, having risen 324 00:30:51.900 --> 00:30:56.099 for you, Jesus lives for you as well. He intercedes for you, 325 00:30:56.619 --> 00:31:03.980 he reigns for you and he is always there to love you and restore you 326 00:31:03.730 --> 00:31:11.289 and reassure you that you are not a failure. You are the bride that 327 00:31:11.410 --> 00:31:19.039 he laid down his life for, and that, my friends, is good 328 00:31:19.119 --> 00:31:22.200 news. And then

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