The Lord Is For The Righteous (2 Chronicles 14)

The Lord Is For The Righteous (2 Chronicles 14)
Covenant Words
The Lord Is For The Righteous (2 Chronicles 14)

Jan 15 2017 | 00:32:49

Episode January 15, 2017 00:32:49

Show Notes

Rev. Christopher Chelpka
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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:04.839 Brothers and sisters. Let's turn to second chronicles, Chapter Fourteen, and here 2 00:00:04.960 --> 00:00:13.029 God's word, as he continues to give it to us through the history of 3 00:00:13.269 --> 00:00:25.579 his people. Second Chronicles, Chapter Fourteen. This begins a three part story 4 00:00:26.260 --> 00:00:33.700 of the reign of King Asa. Here now God's word. Second chronicles fourteen. 5 00:00:35.850 --> 00:00:39.570 Abijah slept with his fathers and they buried him in the city of David, 6 00:00:40.210 --> 00:00:43.969 and Asa, his son, reigned in his place in the days of 7 00:00:44.289 --> 00:00:49.090 in the in his days, the land had rest for ten years and asa 8 00:00:49.250 --> 00:00:52.600 did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord, his God. 9 00:00:53.520 --> 00:00:58.399 He took away the foreign altars the high places and broke down the pillars 10 00:00:58.439 --> 00:01:03.679 and cut down the ASHREM and commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God 11 00:01:03.759 --> 00:01:07.549 of their fathers, and to keep the law and the commandment. He also 12 00:01:07.670 --> 00:01:12.189 took out of all the cities of Judah the high places and the incense altars. 13 00:01:12.909 --> 00:01:18.859 And the kingdom had rest under him. He built fortified cities in Judah, 14 00:01:18.859 --> 00:01:22.180 for the land had rest. He had no war in those years, 15 00:01:22.700 --> 00:01:26.980 for the Lord gave him peace, and he said to Judah, let us 16 00:01:26.019 --> 00:01:30.540 build these cities and surround them with Wall Les and Towers Gates and bars. 17 00:01:32.060 --> 00:01:36.250 The land is still ours because we have sought the Lord, our God. 18 00:01:37.170 --> 00:01:42.409 We have sought him and he has given us peace on every side. So 19 00:01:42.489 --> 00:01:47.560 they built and prospered, and ASA had an army of three hundred thousand from 20 00:01:47.560 --> 00:01:52.319 Judah, armed with large shields and spears, and two hundred and eighty thousand 21 00:01:52.359 --> 00:01:57.000 men from Benjamin that carried shields and drew beaus. All of these were mighty 22 00:01:57.079 --> 00:02:02.430 men of valor. Zarah, the Ethiopian, came out against them with an 23 00:02:02.469 --> 00:02:07.870 army of a million men and three hundred chariots and came as far as Mershah 24 00:02:08.830 --> 00:02:13.750 and Assa went out to meet him and they drew up their lines of battle 25 00:02:13.870 --> 00:02:17.979 in the Valley of Zeph Atha and Marsha, and asa cried to the Lord, 26 00:02:19.099 --> 00:02:23.780 his God. O Lord, there is none like you to help between 27 00:02:23.900 --> 00:02:27.500 the mighty and the weak. Help us, oh Lord our God, for 28 00:02:27.699 --> 00:02:31.530 we rely on you. In your name we have come against this multitude. 29 00:02:31.930 --> 00:02:37.490 Oh Lord, you are our God. Let not man prevail against you. 30 00:02:38.449 --> 00:02:44.639 So the Lord defeated the Ethiopians before asa and before Judah, and the Ethiopians 31 00:02:44.759 --> 00:02:49.319 fled. Asa and the people who are with him pursued them as far as 32 00:02:49.400 --> 00:02:54.039 Gar are, and the Ethiopians fell until none remained alive, for they were 33 00:02:54.159 --> 00:02:59.310 broken before the Lord and his army. The men of Judah Care Right away 34 00:02:59.430 --> 00:03:02.669 very much spoil and they attacked all the cities around Gar are, for the 35 00:03:02.789 --> 00:03:07.430 fear of the Lord was upon them. They plundered all the cities, for 36 00:03:07.550 --> 00:03:09.949 there was much plunder in them, and they struck down the tents of those 37 00:03:09.990 --> 00:03:16.580 who had livestock and carried away sheep in abundance and camels. Then they returned 38 00:03:16.819 --> 00:03:27.569 to Jerusalem. May God bless his word to us well. This is a 39 00:03:27.729 --> 00:03:34.569 fantastic story of strength, of power, of Godliness. That's the kind of 40 00:03:34.729 --> 00:03:38.849 story that makes you sit up and notice and reminds you a lot of David 41 00:03:38.050 --> 00:03:44.520 and of Solomon. These both this great warrior, when it's needed, with 42 00:03:45.000 --> 00:03:50.560 conquering power and plundering in the name of the Lord, ruling over enemies and 43 00:03:50.639 --> 00:03:55.030 all the rest. It also the peace of Solomon. We see here are 44 00:03:55.110 --> 00:04:01.469 because of Ace's obedience and his righteousness among his people. We see that there 45 00:04:01.550 --> 00:04:06.189 was peace in the land, that they weren't for ten years fighting enemies, 46 00:04:06.310 --> 00:04:11.539 and during that time we're able to build up a lot of strength and power. 47 00:04:14.219 --> 00:04:16.500 But if you keep reading, as we will in the coming weeks, 48 00:04:16.579 --> 00:04:24.970 the story of ASA does not end well. We prefer our stories to start 49 00:04:25.089 --> 00:04:29.209 with a problem and end with a solution, to start with a question and 50 00:04:29.449 --> 00:04:35.250 end with an answer, to start with conflict and end with resolution, but 51 00:04:35.370 --> 00:04:42.600 ace's story works in the opposite direction. It starts with success but ends in 52 00:04:42.759 --> 00:04:50.800 failure. It starts with righteousness and ends in disobedience, and that's a frustrating 53 00:04:50.920 --> 00:04:55.430 story to hear. And I have to tell you that now, because we 54 00:04:55.509 --> 00:05:00.870 can't think about these great successes that Asas having here, without really knowing that 55 00:05:00.910 --> 00:05:05.350 there's more of the story to come. I wonder if you know anyone like 56 00:05:05.509 --> 00:05:12.100 that, someone who started well but did not end well, or perhaps doesn't 57 00:05:12.139 --> 00:05:15.860 seem to be ending well. Maybe a friend of yours? I do. 58 00:05:17.139 --> 00:05:20.569 I'm there are people. I went to seminary with, young men who wanted 59 00:05:20.610 --> 00:05:28.370 to be ministers, whose books were filled with great theology, good books, 60 00:05:29.009 --> 00:05:34.759 wonderful books. They talked about serving the Lord with passion and zeal. And 61 00:05:34.920 --> 00:05:41.319 some of them, of course, many of them, did find a calling 62 00:05:41.519 --> 00:05:46.040 in a church and are serving faithfully in the Lord. But some of them, 63 00:05:46.199 --> 00:05:51.750 despite all of these good things close friends are now, in fact now 64 00:05:51.870 --> 00:05:58.069 found themselves in divorce, in addiction and one of them with a long term 65 00:05:58.189 --> 00:06:05.019 prison sentence. We wonder how these kinds of things can happen. How can 66 00:06:05.060 --> 00:06:13.819 we start well but and so poorly? We also wonder can they happen to 67 00:06:13.860 --> 00:06:19.050 us? The history of King as allows us to reflect on this, particularly 68 00:06:19.170 --> 00:06:25.209 in the context of the dividict covenant. I know that last clause just sounded 69 00:06:25.250 --> 00:06:29.529 like a bunch of theological Mumbo jumbo. It's not, though it's important. 70 00:06:30.089 --> 00:06:32.439 I hope it's not Mumbo jumbo because we've been talking about this for a long 71 00:06:32.480 --> 00:06:38.920 time. But the DIVIDIC covenant is important because King asays not just acting as 72 00:06:39.040 --> 00:06:46.310 a man before God, not just that he is a king king over Israel, 73 00:06:46.389 --> 00:06:50.949 with a calling that God has placed on his life. He is standing 74 00:06:50.990 --> 00:06:57.709 in the Line of David Sons and the promise that God made to David The 75 00:06:57.829 --> 00:07:03.540 dividict covenant. God told David that as his son's led after him or followed 76 00:07:03.660 --> 00:07:09.540 after him, if they reigned and ruled in righteousness, that God would bless 77 00:07:09.620 --> 00:07:13.459 them and reward them and that there would be peace and strength and victory and 78 00:07:13.540 --> 00:07:17.810 all the rest. There would there was consequences, in other words for the 79 00:07:17.889 --> 00:07:25.930 people of God dependent on the King's would who is Asa? What would he 80 00:07:26.089 --> 00:07:30.600 do? His rightousness before God not only earned him a measure of reward but 81 00:07:30.800 --> 00:07:35.399 had it effect on all, all the people. And that's important for us 82 00:07:35.480 --> 00:07:42.160 because our king, King Jesus, is also a divided king. He is 83 00:07:42.279 --> 00:07:46.550 the fulfillment of these promises, and what we learn about asa teaches us about 84 00:07:46.550 --> 00:07:50.750 Jesus. What we learn about a says he fulfills this role in this covenant, 85 00:07:50.910 --> 00:07:57.629 teaches us how Jesus fulfills his role, how he does it better and 86 00:07:57.790 --> 00:08:03.220 how we have safety and security in him. We're going to do that in 87 00:08:03.420 --> 00:08:09.819 three sermons of fourteen, focusing on these chapters fourteen, fifteen and sixteen. 88 00:08:09.660 --> 00:08:18.009 This first sermon is about the good times, the great times, the times 89 00:08:18.050 --> 00:08:22.089 when there was a vital connection being lived out between the King's obedience and the 90 00:08:22.129 --> 00:08:28.319 King's success. In the story of Asa, we have a memorable reminder that 91 00:08:28.360 --> 00:08:35.519 the Lord loves the righteous and hates the wicked. Asa's story teaches us that 92 00:08:35.679 --> 00:08:46.710 faithfulness to God begets freedom in God, that righteousness before the Lord begets the 93 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:54.350 Lord's The Lord's reward righteousness from righteousness before him be gets rewards from him. 94 00:08:56.860 --> 00:09:03.139 So let's consider that first H ASS righteousness. Want to take through these somewhat 95 00:09:03.139 --> 00:09:09.570 quickly. Asa In this chapter is a model of righteousness. You should read 96 00:09:09.730 --> 00:09:15.850 this and find your hearts inspired. I want to be like that. This 97 00:09:16.009 --> 00:09:20.529 is a good story, a good thing. He's doing a very well same 98 00:09:20.690 --> 00:09:24.080 thing in chapter fourteen. When we get there next time, ass example is 99 00:09:24.200 --> 00:09:28.720 one that's worth paying attention to and following. So let's note some of these 100 00:09:28.960 --> 00:09:37.080 praiseworthy things. The first verse two, Verse Two, Chapter Fourteen, asa 101 00:09:37.240 --> 00:09:41.110 did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God. 102 00:09:43.309 --> 00:09:46.110 Now, of course that's a summary of that. Asa was good and that's 103 00:09:46.230 --> 00:09:50.429 important in and of itself, but we have to add here this perspective by 104 00:09:50.470 --> 00:09:54.820 which good is defined. He did what was good and right in the eyes 105 00:09:56.580 --> 00:10:03.299 of the Lord his God. A life divorced from God's will and God's way 106 00:10:03.340 --> 00:10:09.570 will not and cannot be good. As has perspective, and the chroniclers perspective, 107 00:10:09.649 --> 00:10:13.490 is that good is defined by God. What is good is defined by 108 00:10:13.610 --> 00:10:20.809 what God what by God himself and what God declares. Imagine, for example, 109 00:10:20.929 --> 00:10:26.000 trying to sail across the Atlantic, from let's say the United States to 110 00:10:26.519 --> 00:10:31.639 Europe, and you're going to do this without a map? Right, you're 111 00:10:31.679 --> 00:10:35.000 not going to follow the map, or maybe you're going to do it blindfolded, 112 00:10:35.639 --> 00:10:39.389 or maybe you're even going to go the opposite direction. This is what 113 00:10:39.590 --> 00:10:43.830 life is like in this is what life is like when somebody says I'm going 114 00:10:43.909 --> 00:10:48.110 to do good, but I'm going to do it apart from the Lord, 115 00:10:48.590 --> 00:10:52.580 either not paying attention to what he says, doing it blindly or just going 116 00:10:52.820 --> 00:10:58.539 the other direction. At best, you're going to be steer it off course 117 00:10:58.659 --> 00:11:03.820 and wander all over the place, but eventually you're going to wind up shipwrecked. 118 00:11:03.610 --> 00:11:07.970 If you turn your ship around and sail it into the rocks of the 119 00:11:07.049 --> 00:11:13.769 eastern seaboard, it's going to end tragically. And that's what happens when people 120 00:11:13.889 --> 00:11:18.159 try to define good and live their lives in a good way apart from God. 121 00:11:18.960 --> 00:11:22.480 But that's not what asa did. Asa did what was good and right 122 00:11:22.639 --> 00:11:28.240 in the eyes of the Lord, his God. It's number one. Number 123 00:11:28.360 --> 00:11:33.909 two comes from versus three and five, and that's the ASA eliminated false worship 124 00:11:35.070 --> 00:11:39.750 in Israel. Now will speak a lot more on this next time in Chapter 125 00:11:39.990 --> 00:11:45.110 Fifteen, where this these particular things are focused on, but note it here 126 00:11:45.190 --> 00:11:48.779 as well. In verse three, we read that he took away the foreign 127 00:11:48.779 --> 00:11:52.899 altars and the high places, he broke down the pillars and cut down the 128 00:11:54.019 --> 00:11:58.620 ashuream verse five we continue. This thought continues. We read that out of 129 00:11:58.700 --> 00:12:01.809 all the cities of Judah, this is all the cities which were under his 130 00:12:01.929 --> 00:12:07.169 control, the high places and the incense alters. He took them out and 131 00:12:07.330 --> 00:12:13.049 the kingdom had rest under him. Obedience to the Lord very much includes worship 132 00:12:13.210 --> 00:12:18.600 to the Lord. You can't do good before the Lord while worshiping another God. 133 00:12:20.399 --> 00:12:24.559 In other words, it's not enough to simply not steal from your neighbor 134 00:12:24.759 --> 00:12:30.830 but fail to worship the God who made you. They come together. If 135 00:12:30.909 --> 00:12:33.149 you know the ten commandments, you might say that the first, the second, 136 00:12:33.269 --> 00:12:37.870 the third and the fourth are very much intimately connected with the fifth, 137 00:12:37.269 --> 00:12:41.990 sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and ten. How we live before man 138 00:12:43.230 --> 00:12:48.500 is very much connected to how we live before God. They all go together. 139 00:12:48.500 --> 00:12:52.379 Asa is concerned with this. He doesn't just want people not stealing and 140 00:12:52.460 --> 00:12:58.090 not committing adultery and not coveting. He wants them worshiping the Lord. This 141 00:12:58.289 --> 00:13:03.970 is a theocracy. After all. He is God's King, commanded to obey 142 00:13:05.129 --> 00:13:09.169 God's law. And that leads to the third point. As King, he 143 00:13:09.450 --> 00:13:15.879 commands his subjects to obey. He rules over them with the law of the 144 00:13:16.000 --> 00:13:20.720 Lord. In verse four and commanded Judah to seek the Lord, the God 145 00:13:20.799 --> 00:13:26.559 of their fathers, and to keep the law of the commandment. The righteous 146 00:13:26.600 --> 00:13:31.750 king of the Lord commands his subjects to follow his laws. You know, 147 00:13:31.830 --> 00:13:35.789 Jesus does the same with us. Jesus is a good and righteous king. 148 00:13:35.990 --> 00:13:41.539 He doesn't say holiness is important to me. Righteousness is a that my kingdom 149 00:13:41.620 --> 00:13:46.100 is a kingdom of righteousness. Now, all you people that belong to me, 150 00:13:46.460 --> 00:13:50.539 just go ahead and do whatever you want. No, he commands us 151 00:13:50.620 --> 00:13:52.779 to follow the will of God. He tells us that we are to live 152 00:13:52.899 --> 00:14:00.570 righteously and according to him and the ethics of his Kingdom of grace. He 153 00:14:00.690 --> 00:14:05.450 commands us to obey. This is the work of a good king. Number 154 00:14:05.570 --> 00:14:13.840 four, he strengthens himself against his and God's enemies. We read in proverbs 155 00:14:13.960 --> 00:14:18.840 a story about walking the the writer of the proverb says I walked by the 156 00:14:18.960 --> 00:14:22.919 House or the field I'm forgetting at the moment, of a sluggard and he 157 00:14:22.200 --> 00:14:28.509 sort of pays attention to all the ways in which it's in disrepair because the 158 00:14:28.590 --> 00:14:33.309 sluggard is refused to work. The walls fallen down, the vines are overgrown, 159 00:14:33.350 --> 00:14:39.139 all these kinds of things. Asa doesn't do that. Instead, he 160 00:14:39.899 --> 00:14:43.460 builds with what is God has given him. He's like the steward who has 161 00:14:43.500 --> 00:14:48.379 been given some money to take care of and invests it properly asas a king, 162 00:14:48.940 --> 00:14:52.129 King of the Lord. He's ruling under God and has been given authority 163 00:14:54.009 --> 00:14:58.370 to, I'm take care of and protect his people, and he's doing that. 164 00:14:58.370 --> 00:15:03.850 I'm DESA does this. When we read and versus thirteen and thirteen, 165 00:15:03.970 --> 00:15:09.519 fourteen and fifteen, that he fights when Zarah, the Ethiopian, comes against 166 00:15:09.559 --> 00:15:18.519 him with this mighty army, asa fights, he builds up his his resources 167 00:15:18.600 --> 00:15:22.870 during times of peace and in times of war. He doesn't hide from battle, 168 00:15:22.470 --> 00:15:28.870 but he fights in the Lord. And that brings us to number five 169 00:15:28.110 --> 00:15:33.149 and my last observation here, and that's the asa though. He fights and 170 00:15:33.269 --> 00:15:37.019 he builds and he works and he commands. He does this all not in 171 00:15:37.139 --> 00:15:43.820 his own strength, but in the Lord's this is another aspect of Ace's model 172 00:15:43.059 --> 00:15:48.820 for righteousness. Here, and you see that we read of his great fighting 173 00:15:48.059 --> 00:15:54.690 and is is attacking and all of this in verses thirteen through fifteen. But 174 00:15:54.769 --> 00:15:58.690 how does all that begin? In Eleven, we read and Asa cried to 175 00:15:58.769 --> 00:16:04.559 the Lord, is God, and listen to this beautiful prayer. Oh Lord, 176 00:16:04.799 --> 00:16:08.879 there is none like you to help between the mighty in the week. 177 00:16:10.279 --> 00:16:14.320 Help us, oh Lord, for we rely on you and in your name 178 00:16:14.799 --> 00:16:18.190 we have come out against this multitude. Oh Lord, you are our God. 179 00:16:18.309 --> 00:16:25.429 Let not man prevail against you. You See, as has fighting, 180 00:16:25.590 --> 00:16:32.070 as has strength. Is All very theological. It's all very much based in 181 00:16:32.230 --> 00:16:37.580 his personal relationship with the Lord and his understanding of who he is. God 182 00:16:37.899 --> 00:16:42.740 is the God of his father's that's why the people are called to obey. 183 00:16:44.740 --> 00:16:48.250 There is none like God. He speaks to the Lord not as a hope 184 00:16:48.330 --> 00:16:55.370 or a principle or a faith, but as you. He addresses the Lord 185 00:16:55.490 --> 00:17:00.450 and the second person. Oh Lord, there is none like you. Help 186 00:17:00.529 --> 00:17:03.039 us, oh Lord, our God, for we rely on you. In 187 00:17:03.359 --> 00:17:08.960 your name we've come out against this multitude. It's worth noting again that every 188 00:17:10.039 --> 00:17:14.799 time he's saying oh Lord, here he's using the name that the Lord had 189 00:17:14.839 --> 00:17:21.109 given to him and his people, Yah way or Jehovah. He is expressing 190 00:17:21.190 --> 00:17:26.150 the Covenant Name that God gave Moses when Moses said, what shall I say 191 00:17:26.269 --> 00:17:32.220 to Pharaoh, or how shall I tell these people who has sent me to 192 00:17:32.299 --> 00:17:41.099 say these things? Yah Way, you are our God. Asa is extremely 193 00:17:41.339 --> 00:17:45.609 confident. I love that. I love his confidence in the Lord, his 194 00:17:45.809 --> 00:17:51.450 strength and his promises and as he goes out and he's leads his men in 195 00:17:51.650 --> 00:17:57.799 battle, these mighty men of Valor, they succeed because of the Lord. 196 00:18:00.440 --> 00:18:07.000 So in some asa does everything that he does before the Lord, because of 197 00:18:07.119 --> 00:18:15.910 the Lord and in the strength of the Lord. Those are powerful words and 198 00:18:15.029 --> 00:18:21.470 they help us to see how a righteous person's life is to be lived out 199 00:18:22.269 --> 00:18:26.740 in real world scenarios. To live before the Lord, because of the Lord 200 00:18:26.779 --> 00:18:30.859 and in the strength of the Lord, is not just a nice thing. 201 00:18:32.339 --> 00:18:37.539 You right up and hang in the wall of your house, or are you 202 00:18:37.660 --> 00:18:42.250 paint on the side of your truck, as we heard from pastor hop these 203 00:18:44.089 --> 00:18:49.809 words, to live before the Lord in light of his eyes, to understand 204 00:18:49.849 --> 00:18:53.609 our ways in him, because of him and the things he has done, 205 00:18:53.690 --> 00:18:59.079 the covenants that he has made and in his strength, because he is powerful, 206 00:18:59.160 --> 00:19:02.240 to save and he protects the weak and he watches over his people. 207 00:19:03.279 --> 00:19:07.079 These aren't things just to hang up in your bathroom. They are a creed 208 00:19:07.400 --> 00:19:12.750 to live by. They are the intentions and principles which should drive every action 209 00:19:12.910 --> 00:19:17.990 of ours. And at this point in a says life. This is what 210 00:19:18.190 --> 00:19:22.309 he did, this is the life he lived, and he lived it very 211 00:19:22.390 --> 00:19:27.380 well. And we know that not just because it's so much resonates with the 212 00:19:27.460 --> 00:19:32.700 rest of scripture and godly living as it's expressed to us and every place, 213 00:19:33.859 --> 00:19:40.410 but it's also confirmed by God's reward. This righteousness led to this great reward 214 00:19:40.490 --> 00:19:51.609 of God, namely victory and freedom and peace. The Righteousness, the righteousness 215 00:19:51.890 --> 00:19:56.799 that asa exercised resulted in the power of God being a poured out on his 216 00:19:56.960 --> 00:20:03.599 people. All that asa had hoped for in God. God gave, God 217 00:20:03.799 --> 00:20:07.470 promised this, these things to the righteous son of David, and they were 218 00:20:07.509 --> 00:20:14.390 fulfilled here. Peace in the land, victory over enemies, success in endeavors. 219 00:20:15.150 --> 00:20:21.819 Let me flip back to him eleven, which we sang earlier. Verse 220 00:20:21.940 --> 00:20:26.579 Three. His Wide Dominion shall extend from seed to utmost see and unto Earth's 221 00:20:26.660 --> 00:20:33.619 Remotest Bounds. His peaceful rule shall be yea. All the king shall bow 222 00:20:33.740 --> 00:20:37.130 to him. His rule, all nations hail. He will regard the poor 223 00:20:37.289 --> 00:20:44.650 man's cry when other helpers fail. This is the promise of God to his 224 00:20:44.930 --> 00:20:48.569 king, to the Messiah, so, the anointed one, to this divided 225 00:20:48.609 --> 00:20:52.400 king, who would stand up and rule? Why? Idly, powerfully, 226 00:20:52.559 --> 00:21:00.960 peaceably? And this is all happening under ASA. In this God treated asa 227 00:21:00.279 --> 00:21:04.789 exactly according to the terms that he had promised to David and, in a 228 00:21:04.829 --> 00:21:12.789 way also to Moses and even Adam, that righteousness begets rewards. Why does 229 00:21:12.869 --> 00:21:19.779 God do this? Why does God reward righteousness in this way? Well, 230 00:21:19.859 --> 00:21:25.180 one reason is that he must. God Is Holy, God is good and 231 00:21:25.339 --> 00:21:29.819 God is righteous. What kind of King would he be if he commanded anything 232 00:21:29.900 --> 00:21:33.450 less than the things that he desires, if he ruled in a way that 233 00:21:33.730 --> 00:21:37.970 wasn't in accord with who he is? He would be a King Worse Than 234 00:21:37.009 --> 00:21:44.210 Asa. Asa ruled according to the words that he had been given. Would 235 00:21:44.210 --> 00:21:48.160 it be right for God, who commands those words, to rule in another 236 00:21:48.240 --> 00:21:53.440 way? Asa commanded the people to obey the words of the Lord. Would 237 00:21:53.440 --> 00:22:00.640 it make sense for the Lord himself to command people to obey something else to 238 00:22:00.799 --> 00:22:07.589 reward unrighteousness? Of course not. Another the reason the Lord Rewards righteousness is 239 00:22:07.789 --> 00:22:12.309 that it is for our good. There is no good apart from God. 240 00:22:14.470 --> 00:22:18.980 All of our hope, all of our blessing is found in him. Think 241 00:22:19.019 --> 00:22:22.740 about a father. Would a father they do right by telling his kids to 242 00:22:23.420 --> 00:22:30.930 go be homeless, to leave the House and fend for themselves and withdraw themselves 243 00:22:30.970 --> 00:22:36.930 from his love and protection and mercy and and provision? Of course not. 244 00:22:37.849 --> 00:22:41.250 A good father says, come to me and I will protect you and keep 245 00:22:41.250 --> 00:22:47.480 you and and all the rest. Our Good as children is found in our 246 00:22:47.559 --> 00:22:51.960 fathers and are good as in God. As God's children, is found in 247 00:22:52.039 --> 00:22:57.789 him as our heavenly father. Our lives are blessed when they are lived in 248 00:22:59.029 --> 00:23:07.029 his blessedness, in his household. One more reason God demands righteous or demands 249 00:23:07.069 --> 00:23:12.700 righteousness and rewards righteousness is that his justice demands it. God is not only 250 00:23:12.859 --> 00:23:19.099 a lawmaker but a law enforcer and a judge over those who break his law, 251 00:23:21.380 --> 00:23:25.579 and there's a lot of good in that. Think about how meaningless and 252 00:23:25.700 --> 00:23:30.650 how vain it is to live in a society where there are laws on the 253 00:23:30.730 --> 00:23:34.410 books that are never enforced. What point is that? How is that a 254 00:23:34.529 --> 00:23:38.690 good thing? And would God, who has made the law and issued it 255 00:23:38.849 --> 00:23:45.519 forth created the world and everything in it? Would he be good? Would 256 00:23:45.519 --> 00:23:49.359 he be holy? Would he be just? If he establishes righteousness and the 257 00:23:51.400 --> 00:23:56.029 in laws for how we should live and live in him and then simply walk 258 00:23:56.069 --> 00:24:00.349 away from that, choose not to enforce it's a Oh never mind, not 259 00:24:00.470 --> 00:24:03.670 a big deal after all, when it's the very thing in which blessedness comes, 260 00:24:04.630 --> 00:24:11.099 when it's the very thing in which we live. So God's rewards for 261 00:24:11.180 --> 00:24:15.259 righteousness and, of course, the flip side of that, his punishments for 262 00:24:15.420 --> 00:24:22.900 disobedience, is a perfect equation. It's good, it's holy, it it 263 00:24:22.099 --> 00:24:29.089 makes sense of everything and it's true to who he is. The evil we 264 00:24:29.490 --> 00:24:36.089 face, however, when we consider this powerful equation, righteousness leading to reward, 265 00:24:36.130 --> 00:24:41.079 unrighteousness leading to punishment, the evil that we face in this problem is 266 00:24:41.279 --> 00:24:48.240 not in God's goodness or his justice or his blessing. The evil we face 267 00:24:48.440 --> 00:24:52.670 is our own sin, which flips this equation, righteousness leading to reward, 268 00:24:52.750 --> 00:24:59.190 in the other direction and we find, instead of blessing, condemnation and disaster 269 00:24:59.230 --> 00:25:03.869 again. The problem is not in the way that God has set things up. 270 00:25:03.470 --> 00:25:10.059 The problem is the way we act within that system. There are good 271 00:25:10.099 --> 00:25:14.619 laws, holy laws, which are enforced by a powerful enforcer and a just 272 00:25:14.859 --> 00:25:18.619 judge. Our problem is that we walk into that situation. We say, 273 00:25:18.660 --> 00:25:23.049 I don't want to live that way. I want to live in a gravity 274 00:25:23.130 --> 00:25:27.170 filled world, as though there was in gravity. I want to live in 275 00:25:27.410 --> 00:25:32.250 a world in which, dum, there are certain rules, as if there 276 00:25:32.289 --> 00:25:37.519 weren't rules. I want to travel to Europe, but in the other way. 277 00:25:38.039 --> 00:25:42.839 Well, how do things end up? In disaster and condemnation? It's 278 00:25:44.279 --> 00:25:48.119 only right, it's only logical, it's only good, it's only just and 279 00:25:48.359 --> 00:25:56.430 fair. And for asa this would eventually mean his disaster, as will come 280 00:25:56.549 --> 00:26:00.829 to in Chapter Sixteen. It meant would mean destruction from the hands of his 281 00:26:00.950 --> 00:26:07.259 enemies, disease in his body and eventually his death. In the same is 282 00:26:07.339 --> 00:26:12.660 true for every single person who decides to be king apart from the Lord, 283 00:26:14.900 --> 00:26:19.009 for every single person who establishes good in their own eyes, righteousness in their 284 00:26:19.089 --> 00:26:25.210 own eyes and in their own ways, who decides to find not their righteousness 285 00:26:25.289 --> 00:26:33.480 in him but righteousness in themselves, and unfortunately for Israel, as the king 286 00:26:33.680 --> 00:26:38.920 goes, so goes the people, and so it wasn't just assa who suffered, 287 00:26:40.000 --> 00:26:44.400 it was the people who who suffered as well. And it would leave 288 00:26:44.480 --> 00:26:48.509 Israel, and all the world for who that was hoping, or at least 289 00:26:48.509 --> 00:26:52.150 should have been hoping, in, the Messiah, without a King. It 290 00:26:52.230 --> 00:26:57.750 would leave Israel without the righteous king, that righteous, dividic king that they 291 00:26:57.910 --> 00:27:07.259 needed, but only for a time, only for a time, because a 292 00:27:07.259 --> 00:27:12.059 day would come when God would provide a different sort of king, a king 293 00:27:12.099 --> 00:27:18.650 who would not only begin well but who would end well. When King Jesus 294 00:27:18.849 --> 00:27:23.930 came, he didn't just live perfectly according to God's commands, and I don't 295 00:27:23.970 --> 00:27:30.359 mean perfectly in the throat of human sense in which we approximate perfection, but 296 00:27:30.440 --> 00:27:37.519 I mean perfectly in every jot and tittle of the law, in his intentions, 297 00:27:37.640 --> 00:27:41.839 in his heart and his conscience, and every single thing that he did, 298 00:27:41.559 --> 00:27:45.789 perfectly obedient to the will of the Lord, not just at the beginning, 299 00:27:47.349 --> 00:27:52.269 but all the way up to the end, which included his willingly going 300 00:27:52.630 --> 00:27:57.150 to death, his own death on a cross, to suffer not for his 301 00:27:57.430 --> 00:28:03.579 sins but for yours and mine, for Israel's and all of God's people. 302 00:28:07.059 --> 00:28:11.500 Jesus came into this world. God sent his own son into this were his 303 00:28:11.660 --> 00:28:18.609 into this world to secure a righteous kingdom through his righteous rule and provide reward 304 00:28:18.849 --> 00:28:26.650 for all of his objects. Where asa failed, Jesus succeeded. God sent 305 00:28:26.849 --> 00:28:33.440 his own son to rule as a king born from David, but he made 306 00:28:33.559 --> 00:28:38.200 all that possible that he was his own son, he was God's own son. 307 00:28:42.230 --> 00:28:48.670 All that asa did well, Jesus did perfectly. In every place that 308 00:28:48.750 --> 00:28:56.740 asa failed to succeed, Jesus knocked it out of the ballpark. When Jesus 309 00:28:56.859 --> 00:29:03.099 went to his death on a cross, he didn't just rise again from the 310 00:29:03.220 --> 00:29:07.299 dead, he rose again victorious for all who are in him, for all 311 00:29:07.859 --> 00:29:15.809 Israel, lifting all of us up in his own righteousness, so that we 312 00:29:17.130 --> 00:29:22.329 can leave behind our false claims to ruling our own lives and cling to him. 313 00:29:22.369 --> 00:29:30.319 Jesus is rule doesn't establish for us the sort of flip side of ace's 314 00:29:30.440 --> 00:29:37.039 life. In other words, asa lived great at the beginning, failed at 315 00:29:37.079 --> 00:29:41.150 the end. The moral of this sermon is not do like Jesus did, 316 00:29:41.269 --> 00:29:45.109 living good at the beginning and the end. That's not the point. The 317 00:29:45.269 --> 00:29:51.750 point is live in Jesus, who did this for you. If you try 318 00:29:51.869 --> 00:29:55.339 to do what Jesus did, you are going to end up doing just what 319 00:29:55.460 --> 00:30:02.019 asa did. You'll start out well, when you'll end poorly. You'll finally, 320 00:30:02.059 --> 00:30:04.940 at some point or another, all of your righteousness, all of your 321 00:30:06.019 --> 00:30:10.849 hopes, will crumble under your feet. But if you live in Jesus, 322 00:30:10.890 --> 00:30:15.130 if you put your hope not in a man like asa or a man like 323 00:30:15.289 --> 00:30:19.049 yourself, but in Jesus, the God man, you will have a hope 324 00:30:19.089 --> 00:30:26.960 that is built on nothing less than on Jesus Christ's righteousness. That's a great 325 00:30:27.039 --> 00:30:33.119 hope. It means that you can have a lot of security. It means 326 00:30:33.240 --> 00:30:41.109 that the fear you feel about going astray, to fear I feel about going 327 00:30:41.349 --> 00:30:48.390 astray, about not ending well, this fear can be removed because Jesus promises 328 00:30:48.470 --> 00:30:55.259 to be the author and perfector of our salvation, as the author of Hebrews 329 00:30:55.299 --> 00:31:00.619 puts it, the beginning and the end. By finding our righteousness not in 330 00:31:00.059 --> 00:31:06.569 another man like asa or in a man or woman like ourselves, but finding 331 00:31:06.609 --> 00:31:10.529 our righteousness in the king, who is better than ASA and perfect in every 332 00:31:10.609 --> 00:31:17.529 way, we have a sure salvation, a sure salvation a perfect salvation. 333 00:31:18.960 --> 00:31:26.440 And so I want to say to you inclosing, if you find yourself straying 334 00:31:26.799 --> 00:31:32.799 from the paths of the Lord, if you find yourselves straying from righteousness in 335 00:31:32.910 --> 00:31:38.349 all his good ways, then here of King Jesus, tonight, here of 336 00:31:38.430 --> 00:31:45.430 the Messiah who God did send to rule over all the nations, the one 337 00:31:45.549 --> 00:31:52.819 who did extend his Wide Dominion From Sea to utmost sea, to Earth's remotest 338 00:31:52.059 --> 00:31:57.859 bounds. His peaceful rule shall be and is as he comes into our lives, 339 00:31:57.900 --> 00:32:05.289 as he establishes peace in us, the reward of righteousness that was promised 340 00:32:05.369 --> 00:32:09.730 to a son's promise to all of us for righteousness. We can't have it 341 00:32:09.890 --> 00:32:16.000 in our own because sin keeps cut seeing, Sin keeps coming in, messing 342 00:32:16.039 --> 00:32:24.079 everything up, bringing us down and earning US destruction. But we can have 343 00:32:24.279 --> 00:32:30.509 it by trusting in Jesus and giving from God what he freely gives to us 344 00:32:31.190 --> 00:32:38.869 by His grace. Find Your Salvation in Christ that's where God offers reward and 345 00:32:39.029 --> 00:32:46.460 righteousness that can never fail, a peace that endures forever. Let's pray

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