Our Friends in High Places

May 29, 2022 00:31:42
Our Friends in High Places
Covenant Words
Our Friends in High Places

May 29 2022 | 00:31:42


Show Notes

Ephesians 1:18-23, Hebrews 7:25, 1 John 2:1-2

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Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.040 --> 00:00:05.160 With me before your seated. Our Father, we thank you today that we 2 00:00:05.200 --> 00:00:11.400 are able to draw near to you through the complete finished work of your son, 3 00:00:11.400 --> 00:00:17.359 our Lord Jesus Christ, who bore all our transgressions and so answered the 4 00:00:17.399 --> 00:00:24.800 demands of your character, that we may come freely confidently and we draw near 5 00:00:24.879 --> 00:00:28.800 Lord, as your people, that you might meet us today in the Ministry 6 00:00:28.839 --> 00:00:32.320 of your word, that the reading and the preaching of the word of God 7 00:00:32.399 --> 00:00:37.880 today might speak into our hearts and strengthen us, so that we walk away 8 00:00:37.880 --> 00:00:42.719 saying what a great God and what a great savior for a needy sinner such 9 00:00:42.759 --> 00:00:48.079 as me. Show US yourself, show US your son. We pray in 10 00:00:48.200 --> 00:00:57.880 Jesus name. Men, please be seated. I'm going to introduce the sermon 11 00:00:57.920 --> 00:01:00.960 and that will be looking reading through the scripture passages for the day, but 12 00:01:00.079 --> 00:01:06.079 I just wanted to say it's good to be back with you all. My 13 00:01:06.120 --> 00:01:11.000 wife sends her greetings. She's unable to be here. The choir at Rencon 14 00:01:11.120 --> 00:01:15.719 is singing for their last time in this current year school year today and she 15 00:01:15.879 --> 00:01:21.359 is one of the few Sopranos, so she is needed. Every one of 16 00:01:21.439 --> 00:01:29.840 US walked in the Sanctuary today into this auditorium out of different circumstances, circum 17 00:01:30.040 --> 00:01:37.040 stances of life and marriage and singleness and perhaps widow or widower states, of 18 00:01:37.120 --> 00:01:42.400 health, work situations, financial needs. There's a lot, a lot of 19 00:01:42.439 --> 00:01:48.120 diversity in this room today, but as as I think about where we're going 20 00:01:48.159 --> 00:01:52.239 to go in scripture today, I really think there are only two big categories 21 00:01:52.480 --> 00:01:57.680 of people here today. The first group is maybe you're here today in the 22 00:01:57.680 --> 00:02:05.000 midst of some great affliction, maybe in the midst of great personal failure or 23 00:02:05.000 --> 00:02:13.039 temptation, maybe in a season of relentless difficulty. You may even be in 24 00:02:13.039 --> 00:02:15.479 a position where, as you go to bed each night and wake up each 25 00:02:15.560 --> 00:02:21.639 day, you wonder how you can keep pressing on and face the challenges that 26 00:02:21.719 --> 00:02:27.439 you have. That may be you today, or you may be in the 27 00:02:27.439 --> 00:02:35.280 other category, which is someone in between such afflictions, in between times of 28 00:02:35.319 --> 00:02:43.520 difficulty or personal failure or one adversity of another kind. So that's it. 29 00:02:43.680 --> 00:02:46.520 Those are the two kinds of people that are here today. Either you are 30 00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:51.280 in the midst of some form of suffering or temptation, are you are between 31 00:02:51.319 --> 00:02:55.800 a time of suffering and temptation and the next one. Now I'm not being 32 00:02:55.840 --> 00:03:05.520 pessimistic. It was Jesus who said in this world you will have tribulations and 33 00:03:05.560 --> 00:03:09.439 it was Paul who said through many sufferings we must enter the Kingdom of God. 34 00:03:09.520 --> 00:03:15.080 So you're either suffering or you're in between, some form of suffering in 35 00:03:15.120 --> 00:03:21.759 another. What I wanted it today is connect something of Jesus to our afflictions 36 00:03:21.759 --> 00:03:24.759 and our sufferings and our temptations. And I don't want to talk about the 37 00:03:24.800 --> 00:03:30.120 past, what Jesus has done for us and his life, death and resurrection, 38 00:03:31.159 --> 00:03:36.280 and I don't want to talk about the future, what Jesus will do 39 00:03:36.360 --> 00:03:39.039 and he comes and his present at the end of the age and ushers in 40 00:03:39.439 --> 00:03:45.560 the new creation Kingdom of God. What I want to talk about today is 41 00:03:45.599 --> 00:03:52.599 what he is doing now, because scripture tells us that yes, he has 42 00:03:52.639 --> 00:03:58.280 ascended at the right hand of God, that he is active there. He 43 00:03:58.400 --> 00:04:02.840 is not just sitting, he is active at the right hand of God. 44 00:04:02.879 --> 00:04:09.960 He is working today, and here's here's a I but summarize it and then 45 00:04:09.960 --> 00:04:15.720 we'll look at the scriptures. Jesus ascended to God's right hand of power, 46 00:04:15.879 --> 00:04:24.560 is there for you and for me every moment of every day until he brings 47 00:04:24.639 --> 00:04:30.519 us home. He is ascended to God's right hand of power and he is 48 00:04:30.560 --> 00:04:35.319 active there for you and for me every moment of every day until he brings 49 00:04:35.399 --> 00:04:41.439 us to the finish one. So there are three scriptures were going to read. 50 00:04:41.480 --> 00:04:44.279 You can listen to me read them or you can turn to them as 51 00:04:44.319 --> 00:04:46.439 we do, so they're there in your bullets. In the first is Ephesians 52 00:04:46.480 --> 00:04:50.560 one, eighteen to twenty three. We're stepping into the middle of Paul's prayer 53 00:04:50.600 --> 00:04:57.680 and he says this that you may know what is the hope to which he 54 00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:00.759 has called you and what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 55 00:05:00.759 --> 00:05:05.839 and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, 56 00:05:06.439 --> 00:05:11.240 according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he 57 00:05:11.319 --> 00:05:15.839 raised him from the dead and seated him at his own right hand in the 58 00:05:15.839 --> 00:05:20.879 heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and Dominion and above 59 00:05:20.959 --> 00:05:27.240 every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the 60 00:05:27.279 --> 00:05:30.680 one to come, and he put all things under his feet and gave him 61 00:05:30.720 --> 00:05:34.800 his head over all things, to the church which is his body, the 62 00:05:34.839 --> 00:05:42.959 fullness of Him who fills all in all. And then dipping into the argument 63 00:05:43.000 --> 00:05:46.680 of the Book of Hebrews, Chapter Seven, Verse Twenty Five, a conclusion 64 00:05:46.759 --> 00:05:50.639 of a discussion, the writer says. Consequently, he, Jesus, is 65 00:05:50.680 --> 00:05:58.279 able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, 66 00:05:58.879 --> 00:06:04.879 since he always lives to make intercession for them. And then, finally, 67 00:06:04.920 --> 00:06:13.040 First John Two, verses one and two. My little children, writes John. 68 00:06:13.519 --> 00:06:15.480 I'm writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But 69 00:06:15.560 --> 00:06:19.319 if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus, 70 00:06:19.439 --> 00:06:25.360 Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation for our sins, and not 71 00:06:25.600 --> 00:06:30.800 for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Look 72 00:06:30.800 --> 00:06:34.319 at other passages as well, but here's what I think we will see. 73 00:06:34.360 --> 00:06:39.879 The Jesus, ascended to God's right hand of power, is active there for 74 00:06:40.079 --> 00:06:45.000 me and for you, every moment of every day until he brings us safely 75 00:06:45.160 --> 00:06:50.160 home. So we're going to look at that four different ways. How he 76 00:06:50.240 --> 00:06:55.000 is there for us as we run the rays God has given us until we 77 00:06:55.079 --> 00:06:59.199 cross the finish line. So the first way I want to look at is 78 00:06:59.240 --> 00:07:01.920 the we're going to look at four realities that we live with as God's people, 79 00:07:01.920 --> 00:07:08.279 and how what he is doing at God's right hand answers those first you 80 00:07:08.399 --> 00:07:16.680 and I live in hostile territory, surrounded by enemies. How can I not 81 00:07:16.839 --> 00:07:25.240 be overcome by that? And the answer is he is the reigning King of 82 00:07:25.279 --> 00:07:30.360 all. So let's talk a little bit about hostile territory. Jesus said, 83 00:07:31.160 --> 00:07:34.480 if you were of the world, the world but love its own. But 84 00:07:34.560 --> 00:07:38.079 because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the 85 00:07:38.120 --> 00:07:45.199 world. There for the world hates you. We are to expect that. 86 00:07:45.279 --> 00:07:50.240 We live in a world where there is hostility and hatred for us. That 87 00:07:50.560 --> 00:07:56.319 begins with the enemy, the arch enemy of God and of us, the 88 00:07:56.360 --> 00:08:01.560 devil and Satan and the multitude of their demons. We wrestle not with flesh 89 00:08:01.560 --> 00:08:07.279 and blood. And here's what you need to know about Satan. He hates 90 00:08:07.480 --> 00:08:13.879 God, he hates Jesus, he hates you. If you are in Christ. 91 00:08:13.160 --> 00:08:22.879 He has undiluted intentions to destroy you every moment of every day, and 92 00:08:22.920 --> 00:08:28.839 by destroy I mean do whatever he can to cut you off from trusting in 93 00:08:30.000 --> 00:08:35.559 Jesus Christ as savior. And he will, and he does, mobilize every 94 00:08:35.600 --> 00:08:45.399 resource at his hand to do so. We live in hostile territory. He 95 00:08:45.440 --> 00:08:50.360 has allies, not not just invisible allies, but he has visible allies and 96 00:08:50.360 --> 00:08:56.279 he'll use those to destroy me. One of those allies. Jesus talks about 97 00:08:56.320 --> 00:09:00.320 theiry tall, he talks about the world. He that he did. The 98 00:09:00.320 --> 00:09:05.559 Devil hates Christ and the world hates Christ, and John says that very clearly. 99 00:09:05.639 --> 00:09:07.840 Jesus says that very clearly. Well, who is this world that hated 100 00:09:07.919 --> 00:09:13.919 him and hates us? Well, we tend to think that the world is 101 00:09:15.200 --> 00:09:18.440 that hates Christ are all the immoral and irreligious and godless people that are all 102 00:09:18.480 --> 00:09:24.639 around us. That's true. Those people are all around us, have always 103 00:09:24.720 --> 00:09:30.399 been around us, but we forget that the people who hated Christ and put 104 00:09:30.480 --> 00:09:39.799 him to death were moral and religious and pious people. Sometimes those who hate 105 00:09:39.879 --> 00:09:46.399 Christ do not appear to be against his morality, but for it. But 106 00:09:46.600 --> 00:09:50.200 what the irreligious and immorl have in common with the moral and the religious is 107 00:09:50.240 --> 00:09:54.320 they agree to one thing. Christ will not be our king and he will 108 00:09:54.360 --> 00:09:58.799 not be our savior. We will take care of things by ourselves. Thank 109 00:09:58.799 --> 00:10:05.279 you very much. We're surrounded. We have an enemy. He has allies 110 00:10:05.279 --> 00:10:09.440 in the human race who oppose Christ, and he and his allies will create 111 00:10:09.519 --> 00:10:16.799 great pressure on my life and tempt me to walk away from Christ. But 112 00:10:18.080 --> 00:10:22.879 he has other allies as well. See in a few moments he has allies 113 00:10:22.919 --> 00:10:26.720 among God's people. Well, what do I mean by that? He has 114 00:10:26.759 --> 00:10:31.600 in every one of us the flesh, the inner traitor to God and his 115 00:10:31.639 --> 00:10:37.440 purposes, and he can appeal to the flesh in any Christian to use them 116 00:10:37.480 --> 00:10:46.360 to cause harm to other Christians. We call it betrayal or deception or slender 117 00:10:46.440 --> 00:10:54.320 it's friendly fire and it is perhaps the most discourage and kind of assault when 118 00:10:54.320 --> 00:11:01.240 people who are in my family seem to do things to undermine my faith and 119 00:11:01.360 --> 00:11:07.519 confidence in Christ. So I'm surrounded by enemies in the world, in society, 120 00:11:09.440 --> 00:11:13.720 in in the devil and his Legion of Demons, and sometimes in the 121 00:11:13.799 --> 00:11:16.279 church as well. And so what am I to do? Am I to 122 00:11:16.320 --> 00:11:20.200 live in fear? How can I not be overcome? I'm surrounded. They 123 00:11:20.240 --> 00:11:26.799 outnumber me a thousand to one. The answer is Jesus is the reigning King 124 00:11:28.480 --> 00:11:33.679 of all. That's what Paul said in the Fesians. One he seated him. 125 00:11:33.759 --> 00:11:37.240 The father seated the son at his own right hand in the heavenly places, 126 00:11:37.240 --> 00:11:41.159 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, not just above 127 00:11:41.240 --> 00:11:45.679 but far above, not most, but all rule and authority and power and 128 00:11:45.759 --> 00:11:50.399 dominion and every name, not most names, every name that is named, 129 00:11:50.519 --> 00:11:52.879 not only in this age but also in the one to come. There is 130 00:11:52.919 --> 00:12:00.440 nothing left out here. So what I know is a CH Chritian as. 131 00:12:00.480 --> 00:12:03.960 I'm in the midst of the battle which I am not going to be read. 132 00:12:03.039 --> 00:12:07.159 I'm not going to be rescued from fighting, but I will be delivered 133 00:12:07.200 --> 00:12:11.559 through it. And the one who is my savior is reigning at God's right 134 00:12:11.559 --> 00:12:18.840 hand, not just sitting but reigning overseeing, ordering the events of human history 135 00:12:18.919 --> 00:12:24.159 and every detail of my life for the purpose of keeping me and bringing me 136 00:12:24.200 --> 00:12:31.200 across the finish one. So a couple things. That means. Number One, 137 00:12:31.240 --> 00:12:35.960 my enemy and my enemies can do nothing against me except by the permission 138 00:12:37.080 --> 00:12:41.639 of the king. You find that in the book of Job Satan came and 139 00:12:41.679 --> 00:12:48.480 made accusations and God said you may do this, but no further. That's 140 00:12:48.519 --> 00:12:52.120 because Jesus is King of all. Secondly, we can know that, because 141 00:12:52.120 --> 00:12:56.480 he is reigning there, he can turn the worst action someone intends to me 142 00:12:56.600 --> 00:13:03.639 into something good and for his glory. We think of the story of Joseph, 143 00:13:03.679 --> 00:13:07.639 where the malice of his brother soldom as a slave to Egypt and God, 144 00:13:07.679 --> 00:13:09.679 as Joseph said at the end of his life, you intended it for 145 00:13:09.720 --> 00:13:13.480 evil, but God turned it to good. That's what it means that he 146 00:13:13.559 --> 00:13:18.440 is reigning. We see that in Jesus, when the powers of the age 147 00:13:18.440 --> 00:13:24.600 gathered to slander him and malign him and murder him, and God turned it 148 00:13:24.639 --> 00:13:33.600 to the salvation of an uncountable multitude from all nations. He, the enemy, 149 00:13:33.639 --> 00:13:37.360 can do nothing to me except by his permission. Whatever the enemies do 150 00:13:37.480 --> 00:13:41.960 to me, it can be turned to something good and will be come turned 151 00:13:41.960 --> 00:13:45.600 to something good by my reigning king. And number three, they may appear 152 00:13:45.679 --> 00:13:52.879 to win some battles, but they've already lost the war. So, because 153 00:13:52.960 --> 00:13:58.519 he is the reigning king, reigning on my behalf as his child at God's 154 00:13:58.600 --> 00:14:05.039 right hand, I do not live in fear. Rather, I have every 155 00:14:05.039 --> 00:14:11.600 reason to press on with courage, to endure in following Christ, and I 156 00:14:11.639 --> 00:14:18.279 have weapons at my disposal, not carnal weapons of money and politics and power, 157 00:14:18.399 --> 00:14:20.759 but spiritual weapons of the word of God. In prayer that I may 158 00:14:20.840 --> 00:14:28.679 take up, and by them the enemy will flee. The book of Revelation 159 00:14:28.799 --> 00:14:33.399 says the Followers of Christ overcame the dragon by the blood of the lamb and 160 00:14:33.480 --> 00:14:37.440 by their word of witness to Christ. Those are my weapons. So I 161 00:14:37.480 --> 00:14:41.080 will face enemies all the way to the finish line. But because he is 162 00:14:41.120 --> 00:14:46.440 at God's right hand and he is reigning there for me, I can trust 163 00:14:46.480 --> 00:14:54.639 him in press on. Second what's the second circumstance? I live with constant 164 00:14:54.639 --> 00:15:01.519 temptation and I often sin. How, then, can I not be found 165 00:15:01.639 --> 00:15:09.879 guilty in face condemnation? The answer is he is my advocate at God's right 166 00:15:09.919 --> 00:15:13.480 hand. So not only do I have enemies outside, I have an enemy 167 00:15:13.559 --> 00:15:20.440 within, and I don't think there's any greater burden to the Christian than the 168 00:15:20.559 --> 00:15:24.320 enemy within. Yes, the New Testament clarifies that. Certainly, from the 169 00:15:24.360 --> 00:15:31.879 day I become born of Christ to the day I finish the race and cross 170 00:15:31.960 --> 00:15:35.320 the finish line, and then I am home, I will face every day 171 00:15:35.360 --> 00:15:41.600 of my life the active presence of what the New Testament calls the flesh or 172 00:15:41.639 --> 00:15:50.000 sin which lives in me, and that is a battle that is going to 173 00:15:50.000 --> 00:15:54.759 be experienced in my life all the time. Now, Paul Paul puts it 174 00:15:54.840 --> 00:15:56.559 this way. The spirit of God in me as opposed to the flesh, 175 00:15:56.600 --> 00:16:00.639 and the flesh is opposed to the spirit. They're opposed to each other, 176 00:16:00.720 --> 00:16:04.440 Paul says in Galatians. I will live with that inner war, in the 177 00:16:04.480 --> 00:16:10.200 reality of sin in me and the temptations that arise from within me, all 178 00:16:10.240 --> 00:16:15.120 the way through the end of my life, and that will not change until 179 00:16:15.200 --> 00:16:21.759 I cross the finish line. And because that is the case, I will 180 00:16:21.799 --> 00:16:29.360 sin. And when I send there two particular ways I think sin becomes a 181 00:16:29.399 --> 00:16:33.000 greater burden than in other situations, and I'm number one, is if I 182 00:16:33.039 --> 00:16:40.559 sin in a particular way and I find myself committing that sin repeatedly, I 183 00:16:40.600 --> 00:16:45.399 find myself not making much progress against that particular sin, and that can be 184 00:16:45.440 --> 00:16:55.440 everything from online pornography to outbursts of anger or even just the delight of Gossiping 185 00:16:55.519 --> 00:17:00.039 and talking about other people. I find those sins grip me. Perhaps you'd 186 00:17:00.320 --> 00:17:04.839 perhaps perhaps you can say I find one of those sins grip me and I'm 187 00:17:04.880 --> 00:17:10.759 discouraged by it. I find it leading me to a place of condemnation, 188 00:17:10.880 --> 00:17:15.200 and the other way in which sin can become a greater burden that at other 189 00:17:15.240 --> 00:17:18.480 times, as when we sin in a way that the puritans described as wounding 190 00:17:18.519 --> 00:17:25.640 the conscience, and and what they meant by that was a public and scandalous 191 00:17:25.640 --> 00:17:29.759 sin, a sin that alters my life or the life of the people I 192 00:17:29.799 --> 00:17:32.720 love. It may it may be a criminal act, it maybe a violation 193 00:17:32.799 --> 00:17:40.079 of marriage vows. Think King David committing adultery and setting up the murder of 194 00:17:40.079 --> 00:17:47.599 one of his best friends. So we have this inner battle and when we 195 00:17:47.839 --> 00:17:51.759 look at our lives and how little progress we make, or maybe when we 196 00:17:51.799 --> 00:17:56.160 look at some of the sins of our past that we're scandalous and brought harm 197 00:17:56.240 --> 00:18:02.759 to others, two things can happen. Not Number One, our conscience accuses 198 00:18:02.920 --> 00:18:07.160 us, this this umpire that's within our hearts, that calls us on our 199 00:18:07.240 --> 00:18:15.480 sin, and our conscience says things like kind of Christian are you? Or 200 00:18:15.519 --> 00:18:21.240 how can you say you're a Christian and do such things? Or maybe you're 201 00:18:21.240 --> 00:18:23.519 going to be the first person for whom Jesus is run out of patience. 202 00:18:26.000 --> 00:18:30.240 Conscience accuses us, and then we have an enemy, the external enemy, 203 00:18:30.279 --> 00:18:36.519 who is the accuser, and he accuses us as well, and we can 204 00:18:36.559 --> 00:18:41.960 begin to wonder is Jesus great enough to save someone like me? And we 205 00:18:41.000 --> 00:18:45.880 can begin to live under condemnation, eyes to the ground, had not held 206 00:18:47.000 --> 00:18:51.000 high, no joy, just a burden of sin. Well, how, 207 00:18:51.039 --> 00:18:56.039 how can I not be found guilty of continued sin? And the answer is 208 00:18:56.160 --> 00:19:00.599 he at God's right hand is my advocate. He is the one who died 209 00:19:02.079 --> 00:19:04.279 for sin and rose again, and he is at God's right hand and he 210 00:19:04.359 --> 00:19:11.559 is presenting there his finished work, is finished sacrifice, as more than sufficient 211 00:19:11.640 --> 00:19:15.720 to cover all my sins. That's what that's what John says. If anyone 212 00:19:15.759 --> 00:19:21.519 does sin, we have an advocate with the father, Jesus Christ, the 213 00:19:21.640 --> 00:19:27.759 righteous. John Calvin says that Jesus Work at God's right hand is to turn 214 00:19:27.799 --> 00:19:36.640 the father's eyes to his righteousness and away from our sins. Let's stop and 215 00:19:36.720 --> 00:19:41.160 picture that for a minute. He turns the father's eyes away from our sin 216 00:19:41.359 --> 00:19:48.839 to look at his sacrifice, his perfect righteousness, and he's not persuading a 217 00:19:48.880 --> 00:19:51.799 reluctant judge. It was the father who, for love of us, gave 218 00:19:51.839 --> 00:19:55.279 his son for us, and it was the son who, for love of 219 00:19:55.319 --> 00:20:00.920 the father and of us, gave himself for us. So one of the 220 00:20:00.920 --> 00:20:04.519 ways that I've been helped over the years with a poem by a woman named 221 00:20:04.519 --> 00:20:10.079 Martha Snell Nicholson. The poem is called my advocate, and I'm going to 222 00:20:10.079 --> 00:20:12.920 would tempt to read it because it describes what it means to have Jesus as 223 00:20:14.000 --> 00:20:22.480 my advocate. She writes, I sinned, and quickly Satan flew before the 224 00:20:22.559 --> 00:20:27.920 presence of the most High God and made a railing accusation. There he said 225 00:20:27.960 --> 00:20:33.400 this soul, this thing of clay and Sawd has sinned. Tis True that 226 00:20:33.480 --> 00:20:37.599 he has named THY name, but I demand his death, for you have 227 00:20:37.680 --> 00:20:42.920 said the soul that sins it shall die. Shall Not your sentence be fulfilled? 228 00:20:44.000 --> 00:20:48.640 Is Justice dead? Send now this wretched sinner to his doom. And 229 00:20:48.759 --> 00:20:53.200 thus he did accuse me, day and night, and every word he spoke, 230 00:20:53.279 --> 00:21:00.200 Oh God, was true. Then quickly one rose up from God's right 231 00:21:00.240 --> 00:21:07.279 hand, before who's glory angels veiled their eyes. He spoke. Every jot 232 00:21:07.319 --> 00:21:11.880 and tittle of the law must be fulfilled. The guilty sinner dies. But 233 00:21:11.960 --> 00:21:18.079 wait, suppose his guilt was all transferred to me and that I paid his 234 00:21:18.200 --> 00:21:23.599 penalty. Behold my hands, my side, my feet, one day, 235 00:21:23.680 --> 00:21:29.359 I was made sin for him and died that he might be presented faultless at 236 00:21:29.359 --> 00:21:36.920 THY throne. And Satan fled away full well, he knew that he could 237 00:21:36.960 --> 00:21:42.920 not prevail against such love, for every word my dear Lord spoke was true. 238 00:21:45.759 --> 00:21:49.119 What does that mean? Yes, I have an external enemy, the 239 00:21:49.160 --> 00:21:52.160 devil, who wants me to quit and stop fighting sin and give up on 240 00:21:52.279 --> 00:21:56.799 Christ. I have an internal enemy that draws me to sin and tempts me 241 00:21:56.920 --> 00:22:03.759 day and night. But Jesus is my advocate, he is pleading his sacrifice 242 00:22:03.759 --> 00:22:07.559 for me at God's right hand, and even when I sin repeatedly or even 243 00:22:07.559 --> 00:22:14.000 when I sin greatly, he is there for me. Therefore, I can 244 00:22:14.039 --> 00:22:19.400 get up from where I stumble and confess my sin and continue on and following 245 00:22:19.480 --> 00:22:30.279 Christ and trust in Christ until the end. Oh, third circumstance, this 246 00:22:30.279 --> 00:22:40.039 war is fierce and I am weak and needy. How can I endure? 247 00:22:40.440 --> 00:22:45.160 And the answer is he is my intercessor at God's right hand. Well, 248 00:22:45.400 --> 00:22:49.240 it should be obvious by now that I think the New Testament says that the 249 00:22:49.279 --> 00:22:57.000 life of the Christian is a war against mortal enemies inside and out, and 250 00:22:57.079 --> 00:23:00.880 it is relentless. It is day in and day out. And when soldiers 251 00:23:00.960 --> 00:23:07.400 face battle day in and day out, they get battle fatigue. We come 252 00:23:07.440 --> 00:23:12.599 to an end of our strength, our resolve, our determination, our resources. 253 00:23:12.759 --> 00:23:18.359 We feel desperately weak and needy. So where do I go when I 254 00:23:18.400 --> 00:23:23.400 feel so weak and needy? The answer is he is my intercessor that's what 255 00:23:23.519 --> 00:23:29.960 Hebrews says. He is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near 256 00:23:30.039 --> 00:23:37.119 to God through him, since he always lives, always lives to make intercession 257 00:23:37.279 --> 00:23:44.559 for them. See, my savior knows that. I don't need moral cheerleading, 258 00:23:44.960 --> 00:23:48.640 I don't need positive thinking. I need to remember that his eye is 259 00:23:48.759 --> 00:23:56.200 upon me every moment of every day and he is never weary and he is 260 00:23:56.200 --> 00:24:03.160 never distracted and he will bring me home safely and save me to the uttermost, 261 00:24:03.240 --> 00:24:10.720 because he will never fail to intercede for me. And what we know 262 00:24:10.920 --> 00:24:15.920 is whatever you ask according to God's will, he hears. And what we 263 00:24:15.000 --> 00:24:19.319 know is the son of God, at God's right hand, always asks according 264 00:24:19.359 --> 00:24:23.720 to the father's will and therefore all that he asks he receives, and he 265 00:24:23.799 --> 00:24:30.279 is asking so that he may save us to the utter most. And what's 266 00:24:30.279 --> 00:24:37.440 so amazing is he is utterly faithful, even when we are not. Christ 267 00:24:37.559 --> 00:24:41.480 is praying for you, my friends, and for me every day, even 268 00:24:41.519 --> 00:24:47.960 when we are negligent in prayer. He is presenting to the father our spiritual 269 00:24:48.039 --> 00:24:52.960 needs, even when we don't even know what they are. He is praying 270 00:24:53.119 --> 00:25:02.880 for our protection against dangers we don't even see. He's praying against enemies that 271 00:25:03.000 --> 00:25:10.839 threaten us even though we don't notice them. Yes, I face a relentless 272 00:25:10.880 --> 00:25:15.200 battle and I grow weary, but I am not alone. His resources are 273 00:25:15.240 --> 00:25:21.440 infinite. He knows exactly what you and I need and will have no difficulty 274 00:25:21.519 --> 00:25:26.480 getting it to you. All that he asks, the father gives, and 275 00:25:26.519 --> 00:25:33.119 so I may rest and his faithful interception and endure. And the fourth circumstance 276 00:25:33.160 --> 00:25:45.359 and last is the path is hard and the road is often dark. How 277 00:25:45.400 --> 00:25:48.759 can I find my way? And the answer is the one at God's right 278 00:25:48.839 --> 00:25:53.759 hand is the trailblazer. Well, what do I mean by that? Well, 279 00:25:55.039 --> 00:25:57.000 obviously, again, the life of the Christian is that. I call 280 00:25:57.039 --> 00:26:02.200 it an uphill climb on a dangerous path into a stiff wind in the dark. 281 00:26:03.880 --> 00:26:08.160 That's the nature of the Christian life. Some days it doesn't seem that 282 00:26:08.200 --> 00:26:14.079 way, and some days it seems like that's not that might not quite get 283 00:26:14.119 --> 00:26:19.440 at it, and in the face of that kind of difficulty we lose hope, 284 00:26:19.480 --> 00:26:25.400 we become perplexed. And Hebrews says Jesus is our pioneer, he's our 285 00:26:25.440 --> 00:26:30.079 trailblazer. is how I like to translate that. We have in him a 286 00:26:30.160 --> 00:26:33.839 sure and steadfast anchor of the soul who has entered into the inner place, 287 00:26:33.960 --> 00:26:40.680 behind the curtain where Jesus has gone as a trailblazer on our behalf, says 288 00:26:40.759 --> 00:26:44.519 he brews. And what that means is he has gone ahead of us, 289 00:26:45.480 --> 00:26:51.079 and he has gone ahead of us after facing every temptation, standing against every 290 00:26:51.160 --> 00:26:56.559 enemy, dealing with every obstacle. He has cleared the way for us to 291 00:26:56.720 --> 00:27:03.920 follow. He knows exactly what we will face and he is able to supply 292 00:27:03.119 --> 00:27:08.640 all we need for every circumstance we face, and he will bring us home. 293 00:27:12.960 --> 00:27:18.960 So I've done hiking at times. Number of years ago, my my 294 00:27:19.000 --> 00:27:23.359 son and I hike the trail in the Machu Pichu in the andies. Now 295 00:27:25.000 --> 00:27:27.440 he's an outdoors man. He wanted to do with just a map and I 296 00:27:27.480 --> 00:27:30.359 said, number one, you can't. Number two, I'd rather have a 297 00:27:30.400 --> 00:27:36.400 guide. I appreciate your map reading skills, I'd rather have a guide that 298 00:27:36.480 --> 00:27:40.039 knows the areas. So guess what, Jesus is a God's right hand who 299 00:27:40.079 --> 00:27:41.680 would be our guide, and he has given us his spirit, who and 300 00:27:41.759 --> 00:27:47.880 dwells us, who is our God. So not only is he our trailblazer, 301 00:27:47.920 --> 00:27:51.079 but we have the spirit of God, the son, within us to 302 00:27:51.240 --> 00:27:56.200 guide us in a path with unlimited supplies for every obstacle and challenge and dark 303 00:27:56.240 --> 00:28:03.519 moment we face. He will bring us home. And when he brings us 304 00:28:03.559 --> 00:28:07.079 home, he will bring us to sit with him at God's right hand, 305 00:28:07.160 --> 00:28:11.799 even as he conquered and sad, at God's right hand. The promise of 306 00:28:11.839 --> 00:28:15.880 scriptured, the way the church fathers put it, as as we were, 307 00:28:15.920 --> 00:28:21.359 he became incarnate and as he is exalted, we shall be with him. 308 00:28:22.400 --> 00:28:26.680 So Jesus as ascended, and because he is ascended, he is active there 309 00:28:26.720 --> 00:28:32.640 for you and me every moment of every day, as king, as advocate, 310 00:28:32.680 --> 00:28:37.000 as intercessor and as our trailblazer, and he will enable us to finish 311 00:28:37.079 --> 00:28:44.400 the race and bring us home. And knowing that gives us reason for the 312 00:28:44.400 --> 00:28:52.079 greatest confidence and the greatest boldness. To press on in following him. And 313 00:28:52.200 --> 00:28:56.480 No, I'll end with these words from Calvin who, in his discussion of 314 00:28:56.519 --> 00:29:03.480 the ascension, says some rather gutsy things. On the else to say very 315 00:29:03.519 --> 00:29:08.519 bold things, but I think he catches the spirit with which we should see 316 00:29:08.640 --> 00:29:15.440 Jesus present work for us and how we live each day. Calvin writes thus, 317 00:29:15.519 --> 00:29:18.400 since he has gone up there, the ascended Christ, and is in 318 00:29:18.559 --> 00:29:22.720 heaven for us, we need not fear to be in this world. Fear 319 00:29:22.759 --> 00:29:26.680 has no place. He's saying. We look to our head, who is 320 00:29:26.720 --> 00:29:32.440 already in heaven, and we say, although I am weak, there is 321 00:29:32.519 --> 00:29:37.880 Jesus Christ, who is powerful enough to make me stand upright. Although I 322 00:29:37.920 --> 00:29:42.039 am feeble, there is Jesus Christ, or is my strength. Yes, 323 00:29:42.119 --> 00:29:45.279 the devil is called the Prince of this world, but what of it? 324 00:29:45.359 --> 00:29:48.759 I love that. What of it? Jesus Christ holds him in check, 325 00:29:48.799 --> 00:29:53.119 for he is King of Heaven and earth. There are devils above us in 326 00:29:53.160 --> 00:29:57.880 the air who make war against us, but what of it? Jesus Christ 327 00:29:59.000 --> 00:30:06.200 rules above having entire control of the battle. Thus we need not doubt that 328 00:30:06.319 --> 00:30:10.799 he gives us the victory, and this is how we must look at his 329 00:30:10.839 --> 00:30:18.680 ascension, applying the benefit to ourselves. Jesus, Christ of God's right hand 330 00:30:18.759 --> 00:30:23.079 is active there for you and for me, every hour of every day until 331 00:30:23.160 --> 00:30:40.160 he brings us home. Would you pray with me? My father, we 332 00:30:40.720 --> 00:30:47.720 thank you today for the completeness of the salvation that father, son and spirit 333 00:30:47.759 --> 00:30:52.759 of design for us as sinners, that not only do we have a savior 334 00:30:52.759 --> 00:30:59.200 whose sacrifice paid for all our sin, whose resurrection was the beginning of triumph 335 00:30:59.240 --> 00:31:03.880 and a new creation, and who will one day come again and bring about 336 00:31:03.920 --> 00:31:08.119 the consummation of all things, but today he, the God man at your 337 00:31:08.200 --> 00:31:18.960 right hand, is active for his own ruling, advocating, praying, providing 338 00:31:19.039 --> 00:31:26.680 US exactly what we need as we walk this path of following him. Father, 339 00:31:26.799 --> 00:31:32.440 I pray and we pray, that you might strengthen our faith as we 340 00:31:32.559 --> 00:31:38.880 consider Christ, our reigning savior, at Root Your right hand. But we 341 00:31:38.960 --> 00:31:41.079 pray this in Jesus name. Amend

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