Holding Fast to the One Who Holds (Micah 7)

Holding Fast to the One Who Holds (Micah 7)
Covenant Words
Holding Fast to the One Who Holds (Micah 7)

Nov 03 2019 | 00:36:03

Episode November 03, 2019 00:36:03

Show Notes

Rev. Christopher Chelpka
View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.240 --> 00:00:06.120 Please remain standing if you're able, and let's turn to Micah Chapter Seven. 2 00:00:10.029 --> 00:00:29.660 Here God's word, I'm going to read tonight, versus one through seven. 3 00:00:33.740 --> 00:00:38.450 Woe is me, for I have become as when this summer fruit has been 4 00:00:38.570 --> 00:00:43.409 gathered and when the grapes have been gleaned. There is no cluster to eat, 5 00:00:43.570 --> 00:00:49.369 no first ripe fig that my soul desires. The godly has perished from 6 00:00:49.369 --> 00:00:54.159 the Earth and there is no one upright among mankind. They all lie in 7 00:00:54.399 --> 00:00:59.280 wait for blood, and each hunts the other with a net. Their hands 8 00:00:59.320 --> 00:01:02.679 are on what is evil. To do it? Well, the prince and 9 00:01:02.799 --> 00:01:07.150 judge ask for a bribe, and the great man utters the evil desire of 10 00:01:07.269 --> 00:01:11.590 his soul. Thus they weave it together. The best of them is like 11 00:01:11.709 --> 00:01:15.390 a Briar, the most upright of them a thorn hedge. The day of 12 00:01:15.469 --> 00:01:23.260 your watchman, of your punishment, has come. Now their confusion is at 13 00:01:23.299 --> 00:01:27.379 hand. Put No trust in a neighbor, have no confidence in a friend. 14 00:01:27.939 --> 00:01:33.290 Guard the doors of your mouth for from her who lies in your arms. 15 00:01:34.329 --> 00:01:38.650 For the son treats the father with contempt, the daughter rises up against 16 00:01:38.769 --> 00:01:42.930 mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law. A man's enemies 17 00:01:42.969 --> 00:01:48.719 are the men of his own house. But as for me, I will 18 00:01:48.760 --> 00:01:52.640 look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation. 19 00:01:53.560 --> 00:02:15.710 My God will hear me. He may be seated. To understand Mike a 20 00:02:15.819 --> 00:02:20.939 seven, it's helpful, I think, to remember the context in which this 21 00:02:21.180 --> 00:02:24.020 book is written. Don't worry, I won't go long, I promise. 22 00:02:25.139 --> 00:02:30.090 which just briefly, remember that God had called his people out of Egypt. 23 00:02:30.810 --> 00:02:37.250 Remember that he had called them to be a holy people and he gave them 24 00:02:37.449 --> 00:02:44.599 his law. And if they obeyed that law, they would find fruitfulness in 25 00:02:44.719 --> 00:02:51.840 their wombs, in their livestock, in their land. They would be a 26 00:02:52.159 --> 00:02:55.919 land owing with milk and honey. It would be in a land that would 27 00:02:55.919 --> 00:03:02.150 be characterized in every way by life and life, as we know, true 28 00:03:02.430 --> 00:03:10.310 life, true satisfaction, true peace, comes with righteousness. This life, 29 00:03:10.430 --> 00:03:15.539 as they lived in an obedience with the law, would be a life that 30 00:03:15.620 --> 00:03:24.699 would be characterized by healthy community, by love between father and mother and extended 31 00:03:24.900 --> 00:03:34.050 family members, neighbors and even strangers who came in among Israel would receive love, 32 00:03:35.129 --> 00:03:38.610 they would be protected, they would be cared for, there would be 33 00:03:38.050 --> 00:03:45.439 justice for all. If someone was wrongfully harmed, there would be fairness and 34 00:03:45.599 --> 00:03:52.080 judges to to rule rightly, and this would be the state of God's people 35 00:03:53.639 --> 00:03:58.990 if they obeyed the law. If they didn't obey the law, of course 36 00:03:59.030 --> 00:04:02.069 there wouldn't be obedience. So right off the bat we've got an whole number 37 00:04:02.069 --> 00:04:08.229 of problems. Instead of justice, we have an injustice. Instead of righteousness, 38 00:04:08.310 --> 00:04:13.500 we have unrighteousness. Instead of a healthy communities with love and peace and 39 00:04:13.620 --> 00:04:18.300 hospitality, we would have people at each other's throats. We could have people 40 00:04:18.579 --> 00:04:24.889 in power instead of using that power to shepherd and protect and guard, would 41 00:04:24.889 --> 00:04:30.610 be using it to consume and devour those they were called to protect. and 42 00:04:30.769 --> 00:04:35.209 that's just the disobedience to the law, sort of God giving us, giving 43 00:04:35.329 --> 00:04:43.040 us giving his people over to their own sinful actions that are own natural consequences. 44 00:04:44.279 --> 00:04:47.399 But in addition, God promises that the curse would come upon them if 45 00:04:47.439 --> 00:04:53.189 they disobeyed this law, that they would not be fruitful, but they would 46 00:04:53.430 --> 00:04:58.870 that the walls of this kingdom would come crashing down around them. And indeed, 47 00:04:58.990 --> 00:05:03.389 in the same way in which they purged the lawless unrighteous people from the 48 00:05:03.470 --> 00:05:09.699 land, they also would be purged. The land would spit them, vomit 49 00:05:09.899 --> 00:05:19.740 them, out for their lack of holiness, and this is exactly what happened. 50 00:05:21.329 --> 00:05:25.970 Of course, this is no surprise. Moses himself, and giving the 51 00:05:26.129 --> 00:05:30.170 law, told them that when they failed to do this, these are the 52 00:05:30.250 --> 00:05:35.160 things that would happen, not merely as a threat, although it was that, 53 00:05:35.439 --> 00:05:40.720 but as a prophecy as well, telling them that these, this is 54 00:05:40.879 --> 00:05:45.439 what's going to happen, despite their promises that they would obey all the commandments. 55 00:05:47.319 --> 00:05:57.629 The fulfillment of their failure is what MICA is about. Mica comes as 56 00:05:57.750 --> 00:06:06.339 this prosecutor, this attorney, God's attorney, to prosecute on their disobedience and 57 00:06:06.500 --> 00:06:15.300 to bring them under the coming condemnation of God. Mica seven is not only 58 00:06:15.420 --> 00:06:17.769 pointing or MICA. Mica as a whole is not only pointing that out, 59 00:06:17.850 --> 00:06:25.730 but it's helping us to see and unto understand the consequences for disobedience, the 60 00:06:25.930 --> 00:06:32.759 weight that comes for judgment because of our sins, these sins, this unrighteousness. 61 00:06:32.759 --> 00:06:38.360 It's often passed off, as we've seen in MICA, as no big 62 00:06:38.439 --> 00:06:43.160 deal, is something to worry about some other time. But God is very 63 00:06:43.279 --> 00:06:48.670 clear that he requires obedience, he requires holiness and righteousness among his people. 64 00:06:53.149 --> 00:06:57.509 And when that's not there, it leads to judgment. But Mike a seven 65 00:06:57.790 --> 00:07:01.259 and all of the Old Testament also has another theme running parallel in all of 66 00:07:01.420 --> 00:07:04.899 this, and that is a theme of God's mercy, in God's salvation, 67 00:07:06.220 --> 00:07:14.300 that despite this coming judgment, despite the rightful wrath coming upon all people, 68 00:07:14.819 --> 00:07:19.329 God's people included, because of sin, God would provide a salvation that would 69 00:07:19.370 --> 00:07:26.490 take away their sin, that would give them new hearts of obedient he would 70 00:07:26.610 --> 00:07:36.639 do. But this is what likes out it's focus build upon the nation and 71 00:07:36.879 --> 00:07:45.310 judgment, but also hope in the future for all trust to listen again. 72 00:07:46.350 --> 00:07:49.589 But as for me, I will look to the Lord. I wait for 73 00:07:49.750 --> 00:07:57.949 the God of my salvation, my God, you'll hear. That's that Gospel. 74 00:07:58.699 --> 00:08:03.819 Nope, that good health, that note of both this passage, of 75 00:08:03.899 --> 00:08:09.779 the whole book and the Bible as a whole, this note of promise, 76 00:08:09.019 --> 00:08:15.250 this note of hope. Mica, as the Prophet of the Lord, speaking 77 00:08:15.569 --> 00:08:20.050 of God's will for the people, for all the world, is not does 78 00:08:20.129 --> 00:08:26.050 not tiptoe and walk around, walk on eggshells when it comes to preaching judgment, 79 00:08:26.959 --> 00:08:33.720 to preaching the terrifying wrath of God that comes from sin, but he 80 00:08:33.879 --> 00:08:39.960 also is not quiet and careful in promising the good news who's of God, 81 00:08:41.080 --> 00:08:46.870 the hope of salvation for all who relying on him. And so, as 82 00:08:46.909 --> 00:08:50.470 we come and we look at the these final verses in Mike a seven, 83 00:08:50.269 --> 00:08:56.139 I want to focus on these first, these seven verses, in three brief 84 00:08:56.179 --> 00:09:05.779 sections. First, and accepted verdict that they are understanding and accepting in the 85 00:09:05.860 --> 00:09:09.850 way that it is spoken here got, or I should put this way, 86 00:09:11.169 --> 00:09:16.889 God gives voice to what accepting the verdict sounds like, the way the faithful 87 00:09:18.009 --> 00:09:24.519 of the Lord expressed themselves, the way also the faithful anticipate judgment. That's 88 00:09:24.559 --> 00:09:28.399 number two, and then, finally, the confident attitude of the saints. 89 00:09:31.360 --> 00:09:37.519 So first we have an accepted verdict in versus one through four. This great 90 00:09:37.720 --> 00:09:43.950 court room seen this coming to an end in this book, and this is 91 00:09:43.990 --> 00:09:54.100 the conclusion. Whoe is me, Whoa it was me? Why? For 92 00:09:54.220 --> 00:09:58.259 I have become as when the summer fruit has been gathered and the Grapes of 93 00:09:58.379 --> 00:10:01.220 them gathered. There is no cluster to eat, no first right thig that 94 00:10:01.340 --> 00:10:09.049 my soul desires. What does this mean? It's described in verse two. 95 00:10:09.970 --> 00:10:13.289 The godly have perished from the Earth. There's there's nothing left. There's no 96 00:10:13.409 --> 00:10:18.970 righteousness, no fruit, no holiness left in the people, particularly in the 97 00:10:18.049 --> 00:10:24.039 leadership of Israel. They all lie in wait for blood. Each hunts the 98 00:10:24.200 --> 00:10:28.919 other with a neck. This is with a net, total breakdown of the 99 00:10:28.000 --> 00:10:35.080 community right, everyone at each other's throats. Verse three, their hands are 100 00:10:35.320 --> 00:10:37.669 on what is evil. To do it? Well, the Prince and the 101 00:10:37.789 --> 00:10:43.549 judge asked for a bribe and the great man utters the evil desire of his 102 00:10:43.629 --> 00:10:48.830 soul. They weave it together. This net that they are using to entrap 103 00:10:50.059 --> 00:10:58.460 one another is woven together with evil desires, evil plans, intentionality. Verse 104 00:10:58.620 --> 00:11:05.610 Four describes these princes and judges, these rulers, that have been condemned so 105 00:11:05.809 --> 00:11:11.169 frequently throughout Mica, and says the best of them is like a briar. 106 00:11:11.009 --> 00:11:18.490 Your best hope for judgment, one commentator put it, is obstruction. Right, 107 00:11:18.559 --> 00:11:22.600 maybe, just maybe, he won't take a bribe from your enemy and 108 00:11:22.720 --> 00:11:28.759 you'll just meet a wall of resistance. That's your best case scenario, right. 109 00:11:28.919 --> 00:11:33.830 The best case scenario is that you will meet a thorny hedge of judgment 110 00:11:33.870 --> 00:11:43.990 and not someone outright attacking you. A terrible, terrible a situation these a 111 00:11:43.190 --> 00:11:48.620 men, who were called to lead Israel according to God's word, who are 112 00:11:48.700 --> 00:11:54.019 called to shepherd the people, to protect them, to judge well, have 113 00:11:54.460 --> 00:12:00.340 failed, and this is why God promises to provide for them a shepherd king 114 00:12:00.379 --> 00:12:03.769 in the future, who is, of course, our Lord, Jesus. 115 00:12:03.610 --> 00:12:07.049 This is as will get this to this in a few in a week or 116 00:12:07.090 --> 00:12:13.889 two. In Verse Fourteen, we have this prayer to God, Shepherd your 117 00:12:13.049 --> 00:12:20.720 people with your staff, the flock of your inheritance. In seeing the failure 118 00:12:20.919 --> 00:12:26.240 of mankind to do the things of the Lord, the faithful of God look 119 00:12:26.600 --> 00:12:37.029 up to the Lord instead of laying down in in desperation and simply giving up 120 00:12:37.629 --> 00:12:41.309 on they look to the Lord if they wait on the God of our salvation, 121 00:12:43.190 --> 00:12:46.299 for he will hear me. We pray to him, we seek him. 122 00:12:48.299 --> 00:12:56.500 This verdict that we have in verses one through for a is of course, 123 00:12:56.779 --> 00:13:01.610 on the people of Israel here at this time, but it's also the 124 00:13:01.690 --> 00:13:07.649 verdict that all mankind receives that come under the Law of God. If you 125 00:13:07.809 --> 00:13:11.330 turn with me to Romans Eight, or I'm sorry, Romans, I'd like 126 00:13:11.370 --> 00:13:18.159 to show you a few verses that show that this is the case. One 127 00:13:18.200 --> 00:13:24.440 of God's purposes of doing this thing in Israel was to teach them and the 128 00:13:24.600 --> 00:13:30.509 whole world, Jew and gentile alike, the under the law, when we 129 00:13:30.629 --> 00:13:37.549 are only under the law, we face nothing but God's curse because we can 130 00:13:37.750 --> 00:13:43.460 produce nothing but disobedience. Israel, that, we might say, is a 131 00:13:43.539 --> 00:13:50.500 little microcosm, a little world that is descriptive of the whole world. What 132 00:13:50.659 --> 00:13:54.980 they're facing here, this verdict that they're accepting, is a verdict that all 133 00:13:54.220 --> 00:14:01.570 mankind is required to accept under as those under the law of God. Listen 134 00:14:01.649 --> 00:14:09.690 to Romans one, verse eighteen, for the wrath of God is revealed from 135 00:14:09.730 --> 00:14:16.879 Heaven Against All Ungodliness and done righteousness of men who buy their unrighteousness suppress the 136 00:14:18.000 --> 00:14:24.350 truth. Look at chapter two, versus one through five. Therefore, you 137 00:14:24.470 --> 00:14:28.629 have no excuse, Oh man, every one of you who judges, for 138 00:14:28.710 --> 00:14:33.950 in passing judgment on another, you condemn yourself because you, the judge, 139 00:14:35.429 --> 00:14:41.500 practice the very same things. We know that the judgment of God rightly falls 140 00:14:41.580 --> 00:14:46.259 on those who practice such things. Do you suppose, Oh man, you 141 00:14:46.419 --> 00:14:50.659 who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself, that you 142 00:14:50.860 --> 00:14:56.330 will escape the judgment of God? Or do you presume on the riches of 143 00:14:56.409 --> 00:15:01.850 his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to 144 00:15:01.929 --> 00:15:07.080 lead you to repentance. But because of your heart and Im pennant and heart, 145 00:15:07.480 --> 00:15:13.480 you are storing up wrath for yourself. On the day of Wrath, 146 00:15:13.519 --> 00:15:20.679 when God's righteous judgment will be revealed, you can say, he says, 147 00:15:20.279 --> 00:15:24.110 you all know how to judge. You're really, really good at it, 148 00:15:24.870 --> 00:15:28.110 because you constantly are saying that's wrong, that's right, that's wrong, that's 149 00:15:28.149 --> 00:15:31.909 right, that's not fair, that's fair. And if you are capable of 150 00:15:31.990 --> 00:15:37.620 passing judgment, who do the very same things you pass judgment on? Do 151 00:15:37.700 --> 00:15:41.659 you think you will escape the judgment of God? Well, I think I 152 00:15:41.860 --> 00:15:46.460 will, because God has been so patient. God hasn't judged me yet. 153 00:15:48.019 --> 00:15:56.210 That's meant to lead you to repentance. If you stay in this hard and 154 00:15:56.289 --> 00:16:03.970 and penitent heart, you are storing up wrath. Go to verse or sorry, 155 00:16:03.009 --> 00:16:12.480 Chapter Three, verse nine, again more proof that we are all, 156 00:16:12.759 --> 00:16:22.590 not just Israel, all righteously condemned under the law. What then, after 157 00:16:22.710 --> 00:16:26.190 speaking of the gentiles, what then, are we Jews any better off? 158 00:16:26.710 --> 00:16:33.179 No, not at all, for we have already charged that all, both 159 00:16:33.340 --> 00:16:40.500 Jews and Greeks, are under sin. As it is written. No, 160 00:16:41.019 --> 00:16:45.139 none is righteous, no, not one. No one understands, no one 161 00:16:45.220 --> 00:16:49.210 seeks after God. All have turned aside together, they have become worthless. 162 00:16:49.490 --> 00:16:53.610 No one does good, not even one. Their throat is an open grave. 163 00:16:53.769 --> 00:16:57.490 They use their tongues to deceive. The Venom of ASPS is under their 164 00:16:57.610 --> 00:17:03.000 lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness, their feet are swift 165 00:17:03.039 --> 00:17:07.400 to shed blood and their paths are ruined and misery and the way of peace 166 00:17:07.559 --> 00:17:11.359 they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes. 167 00:17:11.640 --> 00:17:17.470 Now we know that whatever the law says, it speaks to those who are 168 00:17:17.470 --> 00:17:23.069 under the law so that every mouth may be stopped and the whole world may 169 00:17:23.150 --> 00:17:30.980 be held accountable to God. So this accepted verdict, as we have it 170 00:17:32.140 --> 00:17:34.940 in Mica Chapter Seven, is not something that we can just sort of, 171 00:17:36.180 --> 00:17:38.660 you know, look at binoculars from the disc from a distance and say, 172 00:17:40.059 --> 00:17:45.410 Oh, Israel, glad you're finally coming around to see God's righteous verdict in 173 00:17:45.569 --> 00:17:51.170 your lives, to see that you are coming under the condemnation of the law. 174 00:17:52.329 --> 00:17:55.529 Good for you. I'm going to go have a great day. Right. 175 00:17:55.650 --> 00:17:59.720 This is meant to teach us. It's meant for us to feel the 176 00:17:59.920 --> 00:18:07.519 weight of the law. Just recognize our own sins in their sins, so 177 00:18:07.680 --> 00:18:11.119 that we might come to the second thing that we see in Mica seven, 178 00:18:11.200 --> 00:18:18.750 which is an anticipated judgment. First, if we accept the verdict, then 179 00:18:18.789 --> 00:18:26.390 we rightfully anticipate this judgment beginning and for be going back to mica seven. 180 00:18:26.380 --> 00:18:32.019 The day of your watchman, of your punishment, has come. Now their 181 00:18:32.059 --> 00:18:40.539 confusion is at hand, as Israel is overtaken by her enemies, as the 182 00:18:40.660 --> 00:18:47.450 city of Jerusalem comes under this cloud of war and destruction, what we see 183 00:18:47.650 --> 00:18:52.410 is that, in the judgment of God, even the closest and most intimate 184 00:18:52.569 --> 00:19:02.119 and trustworthy of relationships fall apart. Don't trust your neighbor when the Lord's judgment 185 00:19:02.160 --> 00:19:07.359 comes, when these armies come in and destroy the city and all is thrown 186 00:19:07.480 --> 00:19:11.029 into confusion. Don't trust your neighbor, have no confidence in a friend. 187 00:19:11.509 --> 00:19:18.869 Guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms. Don't 188 00:19:18.910 --> 00:19:25.579 trust your own wife, for the son even treats his father with contempt. 189 00:19:25.660 --> 00:19:30.259 A daughter rises up against her mother, Daughterin law against Motherin Law. A 190 00:19:30.420 --> 00:19:34.700 man's enemies are the men of his own house. The Day of judgment, 191 00:19:34.779 --> 00:19:47.730 there will be nowhere to turn. All is falling apart, this coming judgment, 192 00:19:48.730 --> 00:19:52.640 this coming wrath of God. We've already read about it in some of 193 00:19:52.680 --> 00:20:02.000 these verses, but let's look at some more, I'm again. Let's let 194 00:20:02.039 --> 00:20:07.430 actually let's go to a GLACIAN's three ten. As we come here, remember 195 00:20:07.470 --> 00:20:12.670 the point that, as we see Israel coming under judgment for sin, I'm 196 00:20:12.750 --> 00:20:19.150 God is promising that all who are disobedient to the law also come under judgment. 197 00:20:26.500 --> 00:20:33.619 glacians three, the verse ten, for all who rely on the works 198 00:20:33.660 --> 00:20:40.250 of the law are under a curse, for it is written, cursed be 199 00:20:40.450 --> 00:20:44.849 everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the Law 200 00:20:45.289 --> 00:20:48.170 and do them. You see what he's saying? He's saying if you stand 201 00:20:48.569 --> 00:20:55.880 before God and you say judge me based on my works, you're condemned. 202 00:20:57.480 --> 00:21:04.869 Why? Because you didn't do the work right. If you if and and 203 00:21:04.990 --> 00:21:11.589 perfection is the standard, all who rely on the works are under the curse 204 00:21:11.670 --> 00:21:14.230 of the law. We tell God. If we go before God and we 205 00:21:14.309 --> 00:21:19.220 say judge me by the law, we find ourselves under the curse. If 206 00:21:19.299 --> 00:21:26.740 you flip a few more pages over to the book of Collossians, Colossians Three, 207 00:21:26.420 --> 00:21:36.130 verses five through six, or yeah, five through six. Put to 208 00:21:36.289 --> 00:21:41.690 death. Therefore, what is earthly in you? Sexual immorality, impurity, 209 00:21:41.930 --> 00:21:45.890 passion, evil, desire and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of 210 00:21:47.160 --> 00:21:53.599 these, the wrath of God is coming, Paul says in Romans, those 211 00:21:53.640 --> 00:22:00.990 who obey unrighteousness, those who live by that unrighteous principle, there will be 212 00:22:02.309 --> 00:22:08.829 wrath and fury. Mark Forty Eight. Jesus says of Hell that it is 213 00:22:08.869 --> 00:22:14.630 a place where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched. 214 00:22:15.900 --> 00:22:26.579 This terrible, dreadful, terrifying state in which the Israel will find themselves in 215 00:22:26.740 --> 00:22:33.410 is only a prelude, only the the warm up notes for the kind of 216 00:22:33.569 --> 00:22:41.009 judgment that will come when Jesus returns and God sets all things right, when 217 00:22:41.130 --> 00:22:47.640 God judges all perfectly and he looks at the evils of the world, the 218 00:22:47.720 --> 00:22:53.359 the the bribery, the covetousness, the idolatry, the sexual immorality, and 219 00:22:53.480 --> 00:22:57.559 he says no more, just like with the flood, with Noah, just 220 00:22:57.710 --> 00:23:03.349 like Sodom and Gomorrah at the end of days God will say no more, 221 00:23:03.349 --> 00:23:10.750 and that time it won't be a small, localized a place in time and 222 00:23:10.869 --> 00:23:15.259 in space, but it will be the what we call the final judgment. 223 00:23:18.460 --> 00:23:25.660 In Mike a seven we get a taste of that. We are awakened to 224 00:23:25.980 --> 00:23:33.970 this reality. We are reminded that when we accept the verdict of the Lord, 225 00:23:33.049 --> 00:23:45.359 we also must anticipate the judgment of the Lord. But we must never 226 00:23:45.440 --> 00:23:52.359 forget the confidence that those who belong to the Lord can have in him. 227 00:23:52.400 --> 00:23:59.990 And this brings us to the confident attitude of the faithful in verse seven. 228 00:24:02.029 --> 00:24:06.269 But as for me, I will look to the Lord, I will wait 229 00:24:06.430 --> 00:24:11.619 for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. What is 230 00:24:11.700 --> 00:24:18.619 this confidence based in? If one accepts the judgment or the verdict and anticipates 231 00:24:18.740 --> 00:24:25.970 the judgment, on what basis can a person then say, I will look 232 00:24:26.009 --> 00:24:33.170 to the Lord on the base is of his promises? It's the same basis 233 00:24:33.289 --> 00:24:37.450 actually. In the first part one is saying, I believe what God has 234 00:24:37.490 --> 00:24:41.799 said, that all who rely on the works of the law come under the 235 00:24:41.920 --> 00:24:48.519 curse. But verse seven, in the same way, says I believe what 236 00:24:48.680 --> 00:24:53.589 God has said that all who turned to him for forgiveness, will be saved 237 00:24:55.630 --> 00:25:00.470 and the curse will be removed from them and they will have life. He 238 00:25:02.430 --> 00:25:07.460 is the God of our salvation, right. He is a rescuer. He 239 00:25:07.099 --> 00:25:14.500 takes us out of this place of curse and wrath and unquenchable fire and misery 240 00:25:14.980 --> 00:25:26.650 and rescues us. My God will hear me. So let's turn again to 241 00:25:26.730 --> 00:25:32.690 Romans, and here are a few more verses. Where does this confidence come 242 00:25:32.849 --> 00:25:38.359 from? How is it expressed? Their first Romans, Chapter Three, Verses 243 00:25:38.400 --> 00:25:48.839 Twenty One through twenty six. But now the UNRUS. Sorry, but now 244 00:25:48.000 --> 00:25:52.230 the righteousness of God. Right, that's what we need, obedience to the 245 00:25:52.309 --> 00:25:57.869 law. But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, 246 00:25:57.910 --> 00:26:04.859 although the law and the prophets, Micah, for example, bear witness 247 00:26:04.980 --> 00:26:11.579 to it. The righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who 248 00:26:11.700 --> 00:26:17.900 believe, for there is no distinction, for all have sinned and fallen short 249 00:26:17.940 --> 00:26:22.009 of the glory of God and are justified by His grace as a gift, 250 00:26:22.690 --> 00:26:27.730 through the redemption that is in Christ, Jesus, whom God put forward as 251 00:26:27.849 --> 00:26:33.920 propropitiation by his blood to bree who received by faith. This was to show 252 00:26:34.079 --> 00:26:40.799 God's righteousness because in his divine forbearance, he passed over former sins. It 253 00:26:41.759 --> 00:26:45.160 was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be 254 00:26:45.440 --> 00:26:52.069 just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. You see 255 00:26:52.109 --> 00:26:56.630 what Paul is saying? He says that our salvation happens because the righteousness that 256 00:26:56.710 --> 00:27:03.339 we so desperately need has been given to us as a gift, not based 257 00:27:03.380 --> 00:27:12.019 on our works, but apart from the law. It's given to us and 258 00:27:12.220 --> 00:27:18.170 because we accept it freely, because we accept it by faith, we aren't 259 00:27:18.210 --> 00:27:22.930 relying on the works anymore and we're not under a curse, but instead we 260 00:27:22.009 --> 00:27:33.160 simply he receive this blessing, namely Redemption Jesus Christ, who turns aside the 261 00:27:33.240 --> 00:27:40.160 wrath of God through his blood. This is the salvation that God gives, 262 00:27:40.519 --> 00:27:45.349 this is the shepherd that God has promised to this is the king that we 263 00:27:45.430 --> 00:27:51.029 have all been waiting for, that the world has been waiting for, so 264 00:27:51.230 --> 00:27:55.390 that, just as all were condemned, both Jew and gentile, now all 265 00:27:55.589 --> 00:28:02.180 have the opportunity for life, both Jew and gentile. This is how Micah 266 00:28:02.339 --> 00:28:07.980 seven is such a good news, is such a gospel message, not just 267 00:28:08.180 --> 00:28:15.410 to Israel but to the whole world, little more from Romans, Romans five 268 00:28:15.609 --> 00:28:19.009 one through six, some of the implications of this. Romans five one through 269 00:28:19.089 --> 00:28:23.210 six. Therefore, since we have been just a bid justified by faith, 270 00:28:23.769 --> 00:28:30.440 we have peace with God through faith or through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through 271 00:28:30.640 --> 00:28:36.519 him, we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we 272 00:28:36.720 --> 00:28:41.990 stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only 273 00:28:41.109 --> 00:28:47.390 that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 274 00:28:47.670 --> 00:28:52.309 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put 275 00:28:52.349 --> 00:28:57.220 us to shame or yes, Ban hope does not put us to shame, 276 00:28:57.339 --> 00:29:03.380 because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has 277 00:29:03.500 --> 00:29:08.779 been given to us. This is how you can have confidence even as your 278 00:29:08.940 --> 00:29:19.569 city, Jerusalem, is being ransacked around you suffering. But it's moment god, 279 00:29:21.250 --> 00:29:25.640 though, using it as a judgment for sin and to demonstrate these things 280 00:29:26.000 --> 00:29:30.880 for those who trust in him and his promises to Abraham and Isaac and David, 281 00:29:30.920 --> 00:29:36.400 ultimately fulfilled in Jesus. For those who trust in those promises, in 282 00:29:36.559 --> 00:29:42.069 that promise, in that coming King, there is suffering that produces endurance, 283 00:29:42.869 --> 00:29:49.910 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. So you can be like 284 00:29:51.029 --> 00:29:56.980 a Daniel who suffered and was weak and was carried off into battle on even 285 00:29:57.740 --> 00:30:02.980 and yet kept his hope and his confidence in God. Why? Because of 286 00:30:03.140 --> 00:30:07.890 his because of God's promises to him, because God's love has been poured in, 287 00:30:07.130 --> 00:30:11.049 was poured into Daniel's heart, just as its been poured into your heart. 288 00:30:11.049 --> 00:30:22.480 Romans a one through four, just as Romans five says that we have 289 00:30:22.599 --> 00:30:29.640 peace with God, Romans they says there is therefore now no condemnation for those 290 00:30:29.640 --> 00:30:34.559 who are in Christ Jesus, for the law of the spirit of life has 291 00:30:36.150 --> 00:30:40.630 us set you free in Christ Jesus from the Law of sin and death. 292 00:30:41.869 --> 00:30:45.269 For God has done what the law we can by the flesh could not do 293 00:30:47.589 --> 00:30:51.299 by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin. 294 00:30:51.779 --> 00:30:56.140 He condemned sin in the flesh in order that the righteous requirement of the law 295 00:30:56.180 --> 00:31:02.460 might be fulfilled in US, who walk not according to the flesh but according 296 00:31:03.259 --> 00:31:08.769 to the spirit. Flip over to the last few verses of this chapter, 297 00:31:08.849 --> 00:31:14.890 Verse Thirty One, Verse Thirty One of Chapter Eight. What, then, 298 00:31:14.970 --> 00:31:22.759 shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can 299 00:31:22.880 --> 00:31:26.759 be against us? Or if I'm going to insert here Mike a seven, 300 00:31:26.960 --> 00:31:30.039 verse seven? But as for me, I will look to the Lord. 301 00:31:30.119 --> 00:31:33.190 I will wait for the God of my salvation, my God will hear me. 302 00:31:33.990 --> 00:31:37.549 Right back to Romans. If God is for us, who can be 303 00:31:37.670 --> 00:31:42.269 against us? He who did not spare his own son, but gave him 304 00:31:42.269 --> 00:31:47.109 up for us all, how will he not also, with him graciously give 305 00:31:47.140 --> 00:31:51.539 us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God? A Let, 306 00:31:51.660 --> 00:31:56.339 God's elect. It's God who justifies. WHO IS TO CONDEMN CHRIST? Jesus, 307 00:31:56.380 --> 00:32:00.259 is the one who died. More than that, who is raised, 308 00:32:00.700 --> 00:32:05.529 who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us? 309 00:32:06.289 --> 00:32:12.410 WHO shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation or distress 310 00:32:12.930 --> 00:32:19.720 or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword pause? All those things 311 00:32:19.839 --> 00:32:24.160 were about to come upon Jerusalem, right? Shall those things separate the faithful 312 00:32:24.160 --> 00:32:30.269 from the love of God? No, because condemnation is already passed for them 313 00:32:30.829 --> 00:32:35.710 through faith. Verse Thirty Six, as it is written. For Your Sake, 314 00:32:35.789 --> 00:32:37.430 we are being killed all the day long, and we are regarded as 315 00:32:37.509 --> 00:32:42.789 sheep to be slaughtered. Thirty seven. No, in all these things, 316 00:32:42.990 --> 00:32:46.700 we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure 317 00:32:46.819 --> 00:32:52.339 that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things 318 00:32:52.380 --> 00:32:55.380 present, nor things to come or powers, nor height nor depth, nor 319 00:32:55.579 --> 00:33:00.009 anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love 320 00:33:00.049 --> 00:33:07.650 of God. In Christ Jesus, Our Lord, Praise God, and that 321 00:33:07.930 --> 00:33:15.160 is exact actually what the prophet, Mica and all of God's people do. 322 00:33:15.319 --> 00:33:19.920 That's what Mica does, as you we continue on and will come to this 323 00:33:20.039 --> 00:33:25.119 in the coming weeks, and in chapter seven he comes from. He expresses 324 00:33:25.200 --> 00:33:31.109 this acceptance of the verdict and the judgment, but yet confidence in the promises 325 00:33:31.150 --> 00:33:37.950 of God that we've been reading about, as they're fulfilled in Christ and Romans. 326 00:33:37.710 --> 00:33:43.019 This ends up in an expression of prayer and, finally, praise. 327 00:33:43.579 --> 00:33:50.259 Let's finish this word from the Lord by Reading Verses Eighteen through twenty and micah 328 00:33:50.339 --> 00:34:00.529 seven, who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression 329 00:34:01.049 --> 00:34:06.970 for the remnants of his inheritance. He does not retain his anger forever, 330 00:34:07.170 --> 00:34:14.360 because he delights insteadfast love, he will again have compassion on us. He 331 00:34:14.480 --> 00:34:20.079 will tread our iniquities underfoot. You will cast all our sins into the depths 332 00:34:20.159 --> 00:34:24.670 of the sea. You will show faithfulness to Jacob and steadfast love to Abraham, 333 00:34:24.789 --> 00:34:31.869 as you have sworn to our fathers from the days of old. Right 334 00:34:31.909 --> 00:34:37.900 after that passage in Romans three of Romans or or Paul Talks about the righteousness 335 00:34:37.940 --> 00:34:44.219 of God that we received as the righteousness of God that Abraham received by the 336 00:34:44.340 --> 00:34:52.730 same thing faith. Point is this, this joy and confidence and faith in 337 00:34:52.849 --> 00:35:00.730 the Lord, even in light of coming judgment that Mica has, the faithful 338 00:35:00.730 --> 00:35:07.320 in Israel has, is exactly the same confidence and hope and joy that we 339 00:35:07.559 --> 00:35:12.159 have in the Lord in the coming judgment of God on all the Earth. 340 00:35:13.639 --> 00:35:17.960 We have hope, not fear. We rejoice even in our sufferings, even 341 00:35:19.000 --> 00:35:22.710 under persecution, even in famine and distress and all of these things, because 342 00:35:22.789 --> 00:35:30.909 nothing can separate us from the love of God. It's my prayer for you. 343 00:35:31.469 --> 00:35:37.099 You know these things and you know them very well. If you don't 344 00:35:37.019 --> 00:35:45.139 spend time in these passages, spend time reflecting on what those promises to Abraham 345 00:35:45.219 --> 00:35:52.809 and Isaac were, how they're fulfilled and Israel, how they're fulfilled in Jesus. 346 00:35:54.090 --> 00:36:00.050 Know Him. You will be perfectly, perfectly safe. Let's pray.

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