Are You Ready? (Luke 12:31-53)

Are You Ready? (Luke 12:31-53)
Covenant Words
Are You Ready? (Luke 12:31-53)

Jun 12 2016 | 00:38:15

Episode • June 12, 2016 • 00:38:15

Show Notes

Rev. Steve Larson (Guest preacher)
View Full Transcript

Episode Transcript

WEBVTT 1 00:00:01.040 --> 00:00:04.919 Listen remains standing as we read God's Word From The Gospel of Saint Luke, 2 00:00:05.360 --> 00:00:11.789 Chapter Twelve, beginning at verse thirty one, through Verse Fifty Three. The 3 00:00:11.910 --> 00:00:18.429 Gospel of Saint Luke, Chapter Twelve, beginning at verse thirty one through Verse 4 00:00:18.510 --> 00:00:23.899 Fifty Three. Please listen to the word of God Luke Twelve thirty one, 5 00:00:24.780 --> 00:00:28.699 but rather seeky the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added. 6 00:00:28.780 --> 00:00:32.500 Unto you. Fear not, little flock, for it is your father's 7 00:00:32.539 --> 00:00:37.009 good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell that Ye have and give alms. 8 00:00:37.090 --> 00:00:41.810 Provide yourself bags which wax not old. A treasure in the heavens that 9 00:00:42.009 --> 00:00:48.450 fight faileth not where no thief approacheth nor moth corrupteth. For where your treasure 10 00:00:48.490 --> 00:00:53.600 is, there will your heart be also. Let Your Loins be girded about 11 00:00:53.960 --> 00:00:58.200 and your lights burning, and Ye yourselves like on demand, that wait for 12 00:00:58.320 --> 00:01:02.039 the their Lord when he will return from the wedding, that when he come 13 00:01:02.079 --> 00:01:07.870 at the Knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Blessed are those servants 14 00:01:07.030 --> 00:01:11.709 whom the Lord, when he cometh, shall find watching verily. I say 15 00:01:11.750 --> 00:01:15.310 into you that he shall gird himself and make them to sit down to meet 16 00:01:15.590 --> 00:01:19.659 and will come forth and serve them. And he shall come in the second 17 00:01:19.780 --> 00:01:25.060 watch or come in the third watch and find them. So blessed are those 18 00:01:25.140 --> 00:01:29.859 servants. And this know that if the good men of the House had known 19 00:01:29.980 --> 00:01:33.849 what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not suffered his 20 00:01:33.969 --> 00:01:38.849 house to be broken through. Be therefore ready also, for the son of 21 00:01:38.930 --> 00:01:44.609 Man Cometh at an hour when you think not. Then Peter said, unto 22 00:01:44.609 --> 00:01:48.959 him, Lord Speakest Thou, this parable unto us or even to all. 23 00:01:49.480 --> 00:01:53.560 And the Lord said, who, then, is the faithful and wise servant 24 00:01:53.200 --> 00:01:57.400 whom his Lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of 25 00:01:57.519 --> 00:02:02.909 meat in due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he 26 00:02:02.989 --> 00:02:07.389 cometh, shall find him so doing. Of a truth, I say and 27 00:02:07.509 --> 00:02:10.710 to you, that he will make him rule or over all that he hath. 28 00:02:13.310 --> 00:02:15.860 But and if that servant say in his heart, my Lord de Layeth 29 00:02:16.020 --> 00:02:21.139 his coming and shall begin to beat the maid servants, are the men servants 30 00:02:21.180 --> 00:02:24.099 and the maidens, and to eat and drink and to be drunken, the 31 00:02:24.219 --> 00:02:28.500 Lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him 32 00:02:28.860 --> 00:02:31.810 in an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in Sunder 33 00:02:32.449 --> 00:02:38.289 and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers. And that servant which knew 34 00:02:38.409 --> 00:02:43.129 his Lord's will and had prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, 35 00:02:43.250 --> 00:02:46.400 shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not and to 36 00:02:46.520 --> 00:02:51.879 commit things worthy of stripes shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whom 37 00:02:51.919 --> 00:02:55.319 seven much is given of him, shall much be required, and to whom 38 00:02:55.520 --> 00:03:00.030 men have committed much of him. They will ask the more I am come 39 00:03:00.189 --> 00:03:04.509 to send fire in the earth. And what if I if it? What 40 00:03:04.669 --> 00:03:08.270 if I if it be already kindled? But I have a baptism to be 41 00:03:08.310 --> 00:03:14.580 baptized with, and how I am straighted till it be accomplished. Suppose, 42 00:03:14.620 --> 00:03:16.060 Ye, that I am come to give peace on earth. I tell you 43 00:03:16.219 --> 00:03:21.939 nay, but rather division. From from henceforth there shall be five in one 44 00:03:22.020 --> 00:03:25.699 house, divided three against two and two against three. The father shall be 45 00:03:25.740 --> 00:03:30.370 divided against the son, and the son against the father, and the mother 46 00:03:30.409 --> 00:03:32.370 against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother in law 47 00:03:32.370 --> 00:03:38.849 against her daughterinlaw and the daughter in law against her mother in law. Here's 48 00:03:38.889 --> 00:03:44.159 the reading of God's holy word. Let's pray. We ask you now, 49 00:03:44.199 --> 00:03:46.240 a Lord, to apply this word to our hearts and to our lives. 50 00:03:46.919 --> 00:03:51.840 Lord, you have spoken to us through your son, Jesus Christ. We 51 00:03:52.039 --> 00:03:54.400 ask you now that we would be attentive to all that he has to say 52 00:03:55.349 --> 00:04:00.509 this. We pray in Jesus name. A man, please be seated. 53 00:04:05.469 --> 00:04:14.379 Are you ready? Amen. You know how it is. You Get up 54 00:04:14.419 --> 00:04:17.420 in the morning, your mother says, kids, are you ready? And 55 00:04:17.500 --> 00:04:26.209 the kids are like my wife works a long from where I work, and 56 00:04:26.449 --> 00:04:29.810 so well, first of all she's mad at me about that, and it's 57 00:04:29.850 --> 00:04:34.170 not my fault. But but I sometimes wake up early and it's time for 58 00:04:34.209 --> 00:04:39.279 her to get up and I'm so careful because I know she wants to be 59 00:04:39.439 --> 00:04:42.079 ready, but she doesn't want me to wake her up. But but if 60 00:04:42.079 --> 00:04:44.759 I don't wake her up, she'll yell it. How can I win in 61 00:04:44.839 --> 00:04:48.639 this? So very gently I say, dear, dear, it's that time, 62 00:04:49.040 --> 00:04:55.910 and she's like, but are you ready? I dare say, and 63 00:04:56.230 --> 00:04:59.110 this is a little prejudicial on my point of from my point of view, 64 00:04:59.189 --> 00:05:01.310 and you can yell at me later, that not now, after the service. 65 00:05:02.029 --> 00:05:06.420 Most of you folks are probably the kinds of people that get ready on 66 00:05:06.579 --> 00:05:12.540 time. I say that's prejudicial because, well, most of you made it 67 00:05:12.660 --> 00:05:18.579 here on time. And I've been to weddings in other communities. I will 68 00:05:18.620 --> 00:05:23.649 not spell out which communities, Mexicans, but I won't say which ones. 69 00:05:24.050 --> 00:05:30.009 And I've been performing the wedding ceremony and two hours after the wedding was supposed 70 00:05:30.050 --> 00:05:36.560 to be again there's one family and me and that was it. Oh, 71 00:05:36.680 --> 00:05:41.839 you give me these looks. It's it's kind of like a the bride can't 72 00:05:41.879 --> 00:05:46.319 get there until everybody and nobody wants to get the end. It drives me 73 00:05:46.480 --> 00:05:51.509 nuts. But are you ready? A lot of people, when they have 74 00:05:51.589 --> 00:05:56.750 something really important, they're going to get there on time. I was here 75 00:05:56.790 --> 00:06:01.029 this morning at a thirty. Somebody's going to say that was too earlyist I 76 00:06:01.149 --> 00:06:10.819 had to be here they thirty because I cannot remember ever in my life being 77 00:06:10.860 --> 00:06:16.939 late for worship service. I'm that old and I can I can remember one 78 00:06:17.019 --> 00:06:19.889 Sunday where, because of illness, I did not go to a worship service 79 00:06:20.209 --> 00:06:25.810 in my life. I cannot remember being late for worship service. I'm not 80 00:06:25.930 --> 00:06:30.009 boasting, but I have priorities. If you're applying for a job and you 81 00:06:30.050 --> 00:06:32.439 have a job interview, are you going to get there on time? Are 82 00:06:32.480 --> 00:06:36.560 you going to be a few minutes fashionably late? You're going to be ready, 83 00:06:38.000 --> 00:06:41.879 you're going to be on time. I want to talk to you about 84 00:06:42.319 --> 00:06:46.589 being ready for the coming of the Lord, and some people would argue that 85 00:06:46.870 --> 00:06:49.910 verse thirty one was not the place to stop, but I think that's a 86 00:06:50.069 --> 00:06:55.269 very appropriate place. Our Savior says in verse Thirty One of Luke, Chapter 87 00:06:55.389 --> 00:06:59.829 Twelve, seek first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be 88 00:06:59.870 --> 00:07:02.100 added onto you know he's already spoken about that, but he says some more 89 00:07:02.220 --> 00:07:08.180 things about that. He tells us that in this present life we shouldn't worry. 90 00:07:08.180 --> 00:07:12.779 A lot of people aren't ready for the future because they're so busy worrying 91 00:07:12.819 --> 00:07:15.569 about what's happening now. They think, all I've got to do this, 92 00:07:15.730 --> 00:07:18.089 and I've got to do this and I've got to do this. I talk 93 00:07:18.209 --> 00:07:21.930 to people about trusting in Jesus Christ us, and I tell them that now, 94 00:07:23.410 --> 00:07:26.370 right now, is the day of salvation, that there may be no 95 00:07:26.529 --> 00:07:30.480 tomorrow for them, and I hear all of their excuses and they've got to 96 00:07:30.560 --> 00:07:33.720 do this they've got to get their family in order. They've they've got to 97 00:07:33.759 --> 00:07:39.720 give up this habit. They've got a I'm sorry, the day of salvation 98 00:07:40.439 --> 00:07:43.199 is today, and they say, but I'd love to, but you know, 99 00:07:43.399 --> 00:07:46.829 I'm I talked to criminals and I tell them you need to come to 100 00:07:46.910 --> 00:07:49.670 Jesus, and they say I'm a criminal, I steal for a living, 101 00:07:49.709 --> 00:07:54.829 and I say fine, stop repent and come to Jesus. And they say 102 00:07:54.870 --> 00:07:57.350 how am I going to support my family? And I say I don't know, 103 00:07:57.709 --> 00:08:00.620 but I know the Lord will provide a way. And they say, 104 00:08:00.660 --> 00:08:03.459 well, as soon as I get enough money then I'll give it up. 105 00:08:03.019 --> 00:08:07.620 You See, what they're saying is I'm going to be ready someday, but 106 00:08:07.660 --> 00:08:11.339 I can't be ready today. and Jesus says garbage about that. He says 107 00:08:11.379 --> 00:08:16.050 it's ridiculous. He says, fear not, little flock, for it's your 108 00:08:16.129 --> 00:08:22.930 father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom again. Notice how our savior speaks 109 00:08:22.970 --> 00:08:28.160 of the father in this passage. He's already spoken of God, the father, 110 00:08:28.279 --> 00:08:31.240 as the father. It's not a common term in the scriptures it is 111 00:08:31.319 --> 00:08:35.399 used, but he uses the term father because he wants us to assure us 112 00:08:35.440 --> 00:08:37.360 that that our father will care for us. But then he goes on to 113 00:08:37.440 --> 00:08:43.029 say it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Now you could 114 00:08:43.029 --> 00:08:46.750 hear a hundred sermons about the Kingdom of God, but just think of it 115 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:52.909 in a very limited way. I was visiting at the at a home this 116 00:08:52.070 --> 00:08:56.779 afternoon and there's a little I think she's a four year old girl, and 117 00:08:56.059 --> 00:08:58.820 her grandmother asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, and 118 00:08:58.899 --> 00:09:01.700 she said, I want to be a queen in a far away land. 119 00:09:03.860 --> 00:09:07.059 And we're all thinking this is America, there's no king or queen or all. 120 00:09:07.500 --> 00:09:13.850 But wait a second. We are kings and Queens and princes and princesses 121 00:09:13.409 --> 00:09:18.250 because we are members of the Kingdom of God. It's the father's good will 122 00:09:18.889 --> 00:09:24.759 to give you the kingdom, and this is a deliberate statement on the part 123 00:09:24.759 --> 00:09:30.399 of our Savior. Why are we worried if he's going to give us a 124 00:09:30.519 --> 00:09:33.840 kingdom? We make fun perhaps, of a four year old girl who would 125 00:09:33.840 --> 00:09:37.200 say she wanted to be a queen, and yet this is the promise of 126 00:09:37.320 --> 00:09:43.190 our Savior. But then the next thing he says seems almost contradictory. In 127 00:09:43.309 --> 00:09:46.710 verse thirty three, our Savior says, sell what you have, give alms, 128 00:09:46.789 --> 00:09:52.389 provide yourselves with bags which wax, not old, a treasure in the 129 00:09:52.470 --> 00:09:58.539 heavens. That fails not where no thief approaches nor moth corrupts. What does 130 00:09:58.580 --> 00:10:05.419 he saying? He's saying that people who provide for themselves in this life really 131 00:10:05.460 --> 00:10:11.649 aren't thinking about the future. Do you ever meet somebody who's clever? Did 132 00:10:11.649 --> 00:10:16.809 you ever meet somebody WHO's clever? Sometimes those people bother me. You know 133 00:10:16.929 --> 00:10:20.759 they're small art, but you wonder what are they really up to? What 134 00:10:20.919 --> 00:10:24.440 do they really want? You know they they say, Hey, Steve, 135 00:10:24.519 --> 00:10:28.960 I'd like to help you out, and I think to myself, sure, 136 00:10:31.039 --> 00:10:33.799 I'm sorry. The people on emails, they're not very clever. You know 137 00:10:33.960 --> 00:10:39.789 you have an inheritance. Just send me a thousand dollars to to the ivory 138 00:10:39.789 --> 00:10:43.269 quote. That's not for the clever people are the ones who come up personally 139 00:10:43.389 --> 00:10:46.870 to you and tell you that your friend and want to offer you something and 140 00:10:48.350 --> 00:10:52.700 and and you won't have to give them anything and and they do this because 141 00:10:52.740 --> 00:10:56.419 they think they by being clever, that they can get something from you. 142 00:10:58.100 --> 00:11:03.379 Want to know what the cleverest thing to do is the cleverest thing to do 143 00:11:03.220 --> 00:11:07.970 is to give up everything that you have and serve the Lord. Oh, 144 00:11:09.009 --> 00:11:11.570 I don't want to call it clever, it's the smartest thing. If you 145 00:11:11.730 --> 00:11:18.370 are, this going to sound really contradictory, if you are very self centered, 146 00:11:18.639 --> 00:11:24.000 if you're very greedy, if all you care about is yourself, then 147 00:11:24.080 --> 00:11:28.120 what you should do is go and sell all that you have and give it 148 00:11:28.200 --> 00:11:33.509 to the poor and follow Jesus Christ, because in the end, look what 149 00:11:33.629 --> 00:11:39.309 he says. He says provide for yourselves, bags which wax, not old, 150 00:11:39.750 --> 00:11:43.870 a treasure in the heavens. That fails not. You see, the 151 00:11:45.029 --> 00:11:48.220 only real treasure, the only thing that really matters, is if we give 152 00:11:48.259 --> 00:11:54.899 up ourselves and follow Jesus Christ, and and everything else is just temporary stuff. 153 00:11:58.220 --> 00:12:03.409 In my neighborhood there's a condominium and I was thinking about buying it for 154 00:12:03.529 --> 00:12:07.250 one of the people in our church and then renting it to them because they 155 00:12:07.289 --> 00:12:11.850 are in desperate straits. And then I found out there's a little catch and 156 00:12:11.570 --> 00:12:16.919 the condominium is built on least land, which means you don't own the you 157 00:12:18.000 --> 00:12:22.399 may own the condominium until the least expires, and then poof, it all 158 00:12:22.519 --> 00:12:28.519 disappears. That's exactly what the wealth of this world is like. Everything that 159 00:12:28.679 --> 00:12:33.389 we have, one day, poof it will disappear. So our Savior says 160 00:12:33.950 --> 00:12:41.149 where your treasure is there, where your heart be also. Is he talking 161 00:12:41.190 --> 00:12:50.620 about money? Perhaps he is talking in some ways about money, but more 162 00:12:50.740 --> 00:12:58.019 importantly, he's talking about your treasure. What's really important to you, what 163 00:12:58.340 --> 00:13:03.450 really matters to you? Are you ready? You got here at six, 164 00:13:03.529 --> 00:13:07.570 or at least by six fifteen when the singing was over, because that was 165 00:13:07.690 --> 00:13:13.399 important to you. There are people out in the world doing all sorts of 166 00:13:13.480 --> 00:13:18.279 things that are impoor into them because that's where their treasure is. It's not 167 00:13:18.480 --> 00:13:24.080 really so much about money as it is about where your heart is. But 168 00:13:24.159 --> 00:13:28.470 our savior wants us to be ready. So look what he says in Verse 169 00:13:28.549 --> 00:13:33.309 Thirty Five. Let Your Loins be girded about and your lights be burning. 170 00:13:33.549 --> 00:13:39.830 When is the last time that somebody walked up to you and said let your 171 00:13:39.909 --> 00:13:45.500 Loins be girded? Now? I looked in the different translations, including the 172 00:13:45.539 --> 00:13:48.539 one that you guys have in the back there, and I look for a 173 00:13:48.620 --> 00:13:52.659 better translation. I'm not sure there is a better translation it's a really odd 174 00:13:52.860 --> 00:13:58.009 phrase. What does it mean? It means to tighten up your belt and 175 00:13:58.370 --> 00:14:01.889 pull your pants up and get ready to run. And it's not use that 176 00:14:03.009 --> 00:14:07.850 often in scriptures, but it is used in first kings chapter eighteen. You 177 00:14:07.210 --> 00:14:13.320 know the story of First Kings Chapter Eighteen. The profits of bail called on 178 00:14:13.399 --> 00:14:18.720 their God to to enable them to to burn up their sacrifice. They cut 179 00:14:18.799 --> 00:14:22.279 themselves and and you know, good old Elijah said, what's the matter with 180 00:14:22.360 --> 00:14:24.509 your God? is He busy, you know, is he off on a 181 00:14:24.629 --> 00:14:30.750 trip or something? And and the the profits of bail failed and and God 182 00:14:30.870 --> 00:14:35.789 and His mercy sent down fire from heaven and burned up Elijah's sacrifice and even 183 00:14:35.830 --> 00:14:43.340 the stones of the altar. Elijah punish those profits appropriately. And then we 184 00:14:43.460 --> 00:14:48.259 read that the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he girded up his 185 00:14:48.379 --> 00:14:52.580 loins and he ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jess Reel. What 186 00:14:52.779 --> 00:14:56.370 is happening? Well, Ahab and his faith in these false idols has been 187 00:14:56.450 --> 00:15:01.769 defeated and Elijah W wants to get to jess reel before ahabs. So he 188 00:15:01.929 --> 00:15:07.799 girds up his loins and and though Ahab has a Horse Elijah is able to 189 00:15:07.879 --> 00:15:11.639 beat him to the city because he runs there with with all of his effort, 190 00:15:11.720 --> 00:15:13.639 with with everything that is in him. To gird up your loins is 191 00:15:13.679 --> 00:15:18.279 to get ready to run and then to run. Okay, we read another 192 00:15:18.320 --> 00:15:24.509 example of this in First Peter, Chapter One, verse thirteen, and this 193 00:15:24.669 --> 00:15:30.350 is a really esoteric example. In First Peter Chapter One, verse thirteen, 194 00:15:30.429 --> 00:15:33.429 he says, therefore, gird up the loins of your mind, be sober 195 00:15:33.669 --> 00:15:37.100 and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you 196 00:15:37.659 --> 00:15:43.980 at the revelation of Jesus Christ. When he says gird up the loins of 197 00:15:43.100 --> 00:15:48.340 your mind, he's using one of the most mixed metaphors of scriptures that I 198 00:15:48.460 --> 00:15:54.090 can think of. He's talking about running, but he's not talking about running 199 00:15:54.129 --> 00:15:58.730 as much as he's talking about get your mind ready to follow Jesus Christ. 200 00:15:58.850 --> 00:16:03.490 He says, be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is 201 00:16:03.570 --> 00:16:07.320 to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ, and this fits 202 00:16:07.360 --> 00:16:11.919 in perfectly with what our savior saying. And Look Chapter Twelve of the lay 203 00:16:11.000 --> 00:16:17.600 aside distractions and focus like a runner who's determined to get there and then run 204 00:16:18.480 --> 00:16:23.309 to the end. Now what is our savior saying here? In Luke, 205 00:16:23.309 --> 00:16:29.110 Chapter Twelve, he says let your loins be gird at about and your let 206 00:16:29.190 --> 00:16:34.659 your lights be burning. Sometimes we forget the situation that Jesus lived in. 207 00:16:36.259 --> 00:16:40.019 Nowadays, when we walk into a house, if it's dark, we flip 208 00:16:40.179 --> 00:16:44.460 the switch, it goes on, everything's fine. In the old days they 209 00:16:44.500 --> 00:16:48.210 had these these little lamps. It's kind of like, I hate to confess 210 00:16:48.250 --> 00:16:51.649 it, kind of like a Laddin's lamp, and they had oil in these 211 00:16:51.730 --> 00:16:55.889 little lamps and then they they they had a wick and but they didn't have 212 00:16:56.049 --> 00:16:59.529 matches where you could just strike a match or something and light it. They 213 00:16:59.570 --> 00:17:04.039 had to use basically a tinder box and the process of lighting it wasn't easy. 214 00:17:04.759 --> 00:17:10.000 You say to yourself, well, I could do that. You could 215 00:17:10.200 --> 00:17:15.990 if the lights were on. Try doing it in the dark. It's not 216 00:17:15.230 --> 00:17:19.150 easy. What does he saying when he says let your lights be burning? 217 00:17:19.750 --> 00:17:25.750 He's saying your light should always be on. You should always have that the 218 00:17:25.829 --> 00:17:29.190 light of the Gospel burning in your life. That the analogy, is like 219 00:17:29.349 --> 00:17:33.019 having one of those little oil lamps, but you wouldn't let it go out, 220 00:17:33.500 --> 00:17:36.819 you would keep it filled with oil so that so that when when the 221 00:17:36.900 --> 00:17:41.980 time came, you'd be ready. And so he says in Verse Thirty Six. 222 00:17:41.259 --> 00:17:45.930 And you yourselves be like an amen that wait for their Lord when a 223 00:17:47.049 --> 00:17:49.170 he will return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks, that 224 00:17:49.289 --> 00:17:56.809 they may open unto him immediately. This is very analogous to the example that 225 00:17:56.890 --> 00:18:02.319 we find of the Virgins in Matthew, Chapter Twenty Five, versus one through 226 00:18:02.440 --> 00:18:08.160 thirteen. It's almost the same, except here it's it's men instead of women 227 00:18:10.039 --> 00:18:12.430 that are waiting for their Lord. He's coming from the wedding. And what 228 00:18:12.549 --> 00:18:17.069 are they going to be doing? Our Savior says in verse Thirty Seven. 229 00:18:17.589 --> 00:18:21.630 Blessed are those servants. When the Lord comes, shall find them watching. 230 00:18:22.869 --> 00:18:26.220 Dear brothers and sisters, are you ready? Are you ready for the coming 231 00:18:26.259 --> 00:18:30.619 of the Lord? If the Lord should come tonight, would you be surprised? 232 00:18:30.900 --> 00:18:34.940 I don't mean surprised in the sense that we would all be surprised that 233 00:18:34.980 --> 00:18:41.299 it was this particular night, but would you be ready? When you get 234 00:18:41.299 --> 00:18:44.529 your kids up in the morning, do they walk out to the car and 235 00:18:44.930 --> 00:18:49.569 and in their pajamas? I hope not they're ready. When you come to 236 00:18:49.609 --> 00:18:55.880 church on Sunday, are your girls still brushing their hair and and you're saying 237 00:18:56.240 --> 00:18:57.559 girls, time to go, and they're saying, but mom, we just 238 00:18:57.720 --> 00:19:03.640 got up. I hope not. Dear brothers and sisters, to be ready 239 00:19:03.720 --> 00:19:10.750 means I'm ready to go. If Jesus should come tonight, would you turn 240 00:19:10.829 --> 00:19:14.470 to him and say, Lord, take me, or would you be saying 241 00:19:14.470 --> 00:19:18.549 to yourself, why didn't I get myself ready? Those servants who are waiting 242 00:19:18.630 --> 00:19:23.539 for their master, they were waiting constantly, and it look what Jesus says 243 00:19:23.539 --> 00:19:26.500 in Verse Thirty Eight, if they shall come in the second watch or come 244 00:19:26.539 --> 00:19:32.779 in the third watch and find them. So blessed are those servants. Watches 245 00:19:32.940 --> 00:19:37.380 in the Roman Empire were divided into the watch usually talking about the times that 246 00:19:37.460 --> 00:19:42.210 Roman soldiers and the second and the Third Watch. We're especially difficult because they 247 00:19:42.250 --> 00:19:48.970 were the evening watches. I've been in the army, I had to do 248 00:19:48.170 --> 00:19:52.519 guard duty. Of all the things that I did in the army, it 249 00:19:52.799 --> 00:19:57.480 was the most boring. You'd be out in the middle of nowhere, holding 250 00:19:57.559 --> 00:20:03.240 your rifle, knowing that nobody was going to come by, saying to yourself 251 00:20:03.279 --> 00:20:07.109 I could lie down go to sleep and nobody would find me and nobody would 252 00:20:07.109 --> 00:20:12.789 care. And I never did that because you would get in so much trouble 253 00:20:14.390 --> 00:20:18.470 and it was also just not what we did. Our job was to March 254 00:20:18.630 --> 00:20:23.059 back and forth and back and forth and wait for nobody to come. Well, 255 00:20:23.140 --> 00:20:26.700 that's not the way it is for us as Christians. Sometimes it gets 256 00:20:26.779 --> 00:20:33.019 boring. Sometimes we say to ourselves, like in Second Peter, Chapter three, 257 00:20:33.180 --> 00:20:34.930 well, but the Lord's not going to come, he's he's just, 258 00:20:36.650 --> 00:20:41.450 he's just not here. But the fact is the Lord is coming. The 259 00:20:41.490 --> 00:20:47.450 question is, are you going to be ready? Then Jesus changes the analogy. 260 00:20:47.650 --> 00:20:48.930 He uses a different one and he says, know this, that if 261 00:20:48.930 --> 00:20:52.000 the good men of the House and knowing what hour the thief would come, 262 00:20:52.079 --> 00:20:56.599 he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken into. 263 00:20:56.599 --> 00:21:03.309 You, we're moving to the middle of nowhere, Consho Arizona. I'm 264 00:21:03.349 --> 00:21:06.869 going to be ready for the guy who tries to break into my house, 265 00:21:07.589 --> 00:21:11.069 because where really are? In the middle of nowhere, and you can call 266 00:21:11.789 --> 00:21:15.549 one one, but, as the saying goes, when seconds matter, there 267 00:21:15.710 --> 00:21:21.299 be there in minutes. You know it's you got to be ready when somebody's 268 00:21:21.299 --> 00:21:25.299 going to break into your house. Imagine that that a thief called you up 269 00:21:25.339 --> 00:21:26.579 and said, yeah, I'm the Guy Who's going to rob your house. 270 00:21:26.619 --> 00:21:30.500 I'll be there about thirty, a minute or two before after, if that's 271 00:21:30.539 --> 00:21:34.289 okay. What would you do? He first of all, you'd probably laugh, 272 00:21:34.450 --> 00:21:38.769 and then you'd say that's that's dumb, and and then you well, 273 00:21:40.170 --> 00:21:44.049 maybe you'd go and see if the doors and windows were all locked, and 274 00:21:44.529 --> 00:21:47.839 maybe you check the phone or look at yourself and make sure that it was 275 00:21:47.920 --> 00:21:51.880 charged up so that if we really did show up, he'd no thief would 276 00:21:51.880 --> 00:21:56.000 be that that's stupid to call ahead of time, and yet there are people 277 00:21:56.200 --> 00:22:02.190 like that today. They think that Jesus is going to call ahead of time. 278 00:22:02.230 --> 00:22:06.150 They think that they're going to get a second chance. There's a large 279 00:22:06.150 --> 00:22:10.509 organization. I get in trouble if I call it a pentecostal group. It 280 00:22:11.349 --> 00:22:15.500 really is, but it's called the Mormons, and I've talked a lot with 281 00:22:15.619 --> 00:22:22.819 Mormon missionaries and had them eat at my house, had talked with them, 282 00:22:22.859 --> 00:22:26.099 let them do their little presentations and and always ask them if I believe in 283 00:22:26.180 --> 00:22:30.529 Jesus with all my heart. Am I going to go to paradise and they 284 00:22:30.569 --> 00:22:33.970 say well, no, you have to be baptized as a Mormon. And 285 00:22:34.049 --> 00:22:37.730 then I say and if I die without having been baptized as a Mormon, 286 00:22:38.250 --> 00:22:41.009 am I going to get a second chance? And they say yes, you 287 00:22:41.170 --> 00:22:45.839 will, and then I say good. And so why should I become a 288 00:22:45.039 --> 00:22:48.079 mormon? And they sort of look at each other and they say, well, 289 00:22:48.119 --> 00:22:51.519 it's a better life, and you know. And I say, but 290 00:22:51.640 --> 00:22:56.160 I can still go to paradise if I am not baptized. Then this life 291 00:22:56.200 --> 00:22:57.710 as a Mormon, right? And they say yes, because it's part of 292 00:22:57.750 --> 00:23:00.470 their theology and they have to tell you that. And they say well, 293 00:23:00.509 --> 00:23:03.710 and then I say, well, I guess I'm not going to be Baptist 294 00:23:03.750 --> 00:23:07.029 as a Mormonum, and they just sort of look at me like, guys, 295 00:23:07.589 --> 00:23:11.630 the Mormons will give you a second chance, maybe three or four. 296 00:23:11.549 --> 00:23:17.059 The Lord doesn't. If you look at the end of this passage, he 297 00:23:17.220 --> 00:23:19.380 says, our Savior says, suppose you that I've come to give peace on 298 00:23:19.539 --> 00:23:23.220 earth. I tell you no, but rather division. From henceforth there shall 299 00:23:23.259 --> 00:23:26.849 be five in one house, divided three against two and two against three. 300 00:23:27.369 --> 00:23:30.609 The father shall be divided against the son and the son against the father. 301 00:23:32.769 --> 00:23:38.089 The fact is that Jesus is dividing the world today. They're really only two 302 00:23:38.170 --> 00:23:42.039 groups, those who trust in him and those who don't. And you can 303 00:23:42.160 --> 00:23:48.279 say to yourself, well, there there must be another chance. But the 304 00:23:48.400 --> 00:23:52.519 Lord says in Verse Forty. Be therefore ready also, for the son of 305 00:23:52.640 --> 00:23:57.509 man comes at an hour when you think not. I'm going to get in 306 00:23:57.670 --> 00:24:03.630 trouble for this. I step on toes all the time and that's just too 307 00:24:03.750 --> 00:24:11.940 bad. What does he say, Peter asked. Are you talking about US 308 00:24:11.140 --> 00:24:17.059 too? Are you talking about everybody? and Jesus says who is the Wise 309 00:24:17.180 --> 00:24:22.180 and faithful servant? The Why is and faithful servant is the one who is 310 00:24:22.380 --> 00:24:29.369 ready when the Lord shall come. Dear brothers and sisters, look what it 311 00:24:29.490 --> 00:24:33.890 says here in the word of God. We don't know when Jesus will come. 312 00:24:33.970 --> 00:24:40.799 I'm sorry, I I don't have all this millennial stuff in the coming 313 00:24:40.880 --> 00:24:45.480 of Jesus and eschatology all figured out. The one thing I do know from 314 00:24:45.480 --> 00:24:51.599 the Holy Scriptures is that Jesus clearly teaches that no one knows when he is 315 00:24:51.720 --> 00:24:56.829 coming. Look at Matthew, Chapter Twenty four verses forty two through forty four. 316 00:24:56.430 --> 00:25:00.910 What does he say? Watch, therefore, for you do not know 317 00:25:00.150 --> 00:25:03.509 what our your Lord is coming. But know this that if the master of 318 00:25:03.589 --> 00:25:07.859 the House had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched 319 00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:11.140 and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, you 320 00:25:11.259 --> 00:25:15.579 also be ready, for the son of man is coming at an hour you 321 00:25:15.779 --> 00:25:21.690 do not expect. Look at Mark Chapter Thirteen, versus thirty three through thirty 322 00:25:21.769 --> 00:25:26.049 five. Take Heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when 323 00:25:26.089 --> 00:25:29.529 the time is. It's like a man going to a far country who left 324 00:25:29.569 --> 00:25:33.170 his house and gave authority to his servants and to each his work, and 325 00:25:33.329 --> 00:25:37.640 commanded the door keeper to watch. Watch, therefore, for you do not 326 00:25:37.839 --> 00:25:40.599 know when the master of the House is coming, in the evening, at 327 00:25:40.640 --> 00:25:45.000 midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning. Look 328 00:25:45.000 --> 00:25:48.000 at Second Peter, Chapter Three, verse ten. But the day of the 329 00:25:48.119 --> 00:25:52.230 Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will 330 00:25:52.269 --> 00:25:56.990 pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat. 331 00:25:56.789 --> 00:26:02.230 Both the earth and the works that in it will be burned up. Look 332 00:26:02.230 --> 00:26:06.019 at acts chapter one, verse seven and he, that is Jesus said to 333 00:26:06.140 --> 00:26:11.420 them. It is not for you to know times and seasons which the father 334 00:26:11.539 --> 00:26:15.339 has put in his own authority. Look at first Thessalonians, Chapter Five, 335 00:26:15.420 --> 00:26:19.890 versus one through three. But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, 336 00:26:19.970 --> 00:26:23.329 you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves know 337 00:26:23.569 --> 00:26:26.930 perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 338 00:26:27.730 --> 00:26:33.960 When they say peace and set safety, then sudden destruction comes upon upon 339 00:26:33.079 --> 00:26:37.039 them as labored pains upon a pregnant woman, and they shall not escape. 340 00:26:38.039 --> 00:26:42.640 And finally, Look at Matthew, Chapter Twenty Five, verse thirteen. Watch, 341 00:26:42.759 --> 00:26:47.950 therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the 342 00:26:48.150 --> 00:26:53.430 son of man is coming. I listened to all this preaching about the last 343 00:26:53.470 --> 00:26:59.630 days, and people so misunderstanding. When the disciples asked Jesus what is the 344 00:26:59.710 --> 00:27:03.700 sign of his coming, he told them that there will be wars and rumors 345 00:27:03.740 --> 00:27:07.500 of wars, but the top. But the end is not yet. People 346 00:27:07.619 --> 00:27:10.500 Think, Oh, while the wars and rumors of wars, these are signs 347 00:27:10.539 --> 00:27:14.220 of his coming, and they are, but the end is not yet. 348 00:27:14.299 --> 00:27:21.490 We don't know when our savior may come. We are blessed if we are 349 00:27:21.609 --> 00:27:27.210 paying attention and he gives us a warning in verse forty five. But it 350 00:27:27.730 --> 00:27:32.319 but, and and but, and. If that servant say in his heart, 351 00:27:32.799 --> 00:27:36.000 my Lord de Laieth is coming, should begin to beat the men, 352 00:27:36.119 --> 00:27:40.480 servants and maidens and to eat and drink and be drunken. The Lord of 353 00:27:40.519 --> 00:27:44.750 that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him and an 354 00:27:44.829 --> 00:27:47.990 hour when he is not aware, and he will cut him in Sunder and 355 00:27:48.069 --> 00:27:55.150 will appoint his portion with the unbelievers. We need to be ready for the 356 00:27:55.230 --> 00:28:00.819 coming of our Savior. Don't get ready some other day. Don't say to 357 00:28:00.900 --> 00:28:07.339 yourself, I'm going to get ready. I'm a school teacher, wasn't till 358 00:28:07.339 --> 00:28:12.049 last Tuesday, and I tell my kids to do things and I have such 359 00:28:12.170 --> 00:28:17.569 good kids. Most of them do it you right away. But I one 360 00:28:17.650 --> 00:28:22.410 child, one student, who says I'm going to. I'm sorry, I 361 00:28:22.410 --> 00:28:25.769 don't understand that. Okay, I grew up in a different time, in 362 00:28:25.849 --> 00:28:29.440 a different household than all that, but when when the teacher says do something, 363 00:28:30.079 --> 00:28:33.039 you don't say I'm going to, what you do is you do it. 364 00:28:33.640 --> 00:28:38.400 Dear brothers and sisters, our Savior is warning us that when he says 365 00:28:38.440 --> 00:28:44.990 he's coming, get ready. Don't say I'm going to get ready, do 366 00:28:45.150 --> 00:28:55.109 it now. But our savior is also very kind, because he wants us 367 00:28:56.220 --> 00:29:03.259 to prepare ourselves. He gives a warning to the unfaithful servants that they will 368 00:29:03.299 --> 00:29:11.490 be judged, but then he tells them to prepare themselves. Look back at 369 00:29:11.490 --> 00:29:14.769 Verse Forty Two. Who, then, is that faithful and why? Servant 370 00:29:15.410 --> 00:29:19.089 whom his Lord shall make ruler over his household to give them their portion of 371 00:29:19.210 --> 00:29:23.319 meat and due season? Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he 372 00:29:23.400 --> 00:29:30.720 cometh, shall find him so doing. What should you be doing when you're 373 00:29:30.720 --> 00:29:37.279 getting ready for the coming of the Lord? It's not complicated. You trust 374 00:29:37.319 --> 00:29:41.789 in him and follow him. Someone asked Martin Luther. I looked up this 375 00:29:42.150 --> 00:29:45.309 the citation. Lot a debate about it. I'm not going to go through 376 00:29:45.349 --> 00:29:49.750 the debate. Somebody asked Martin Luther if somebody told you that Jesus was coming 377 00:29:49.789 --> 00:29:53.460 to day, what would you do? And he said I would go out 378 00:29:53.500 --> 00:29:57.299 and plant a tree. And they thought that was a silly answer. But 379 00:29:57.460 --> 00:30:00.299 you really have to think about what he meant. First of all, he 380 00:30:00.420 --> 00:30:07.450 didn't believe anybody knew when Jesus was coming. So somebody's prophecy that Jesus was 381 00:30:07.650 --> 00:30:14.529 coming would not indicate that they actually knew that Jesus is coming. The second 382 00:30:14.569 --> 00:30:19.690 thing that it indicates is that Martin Luther actually believed that when Jesus was coming, 383 00:30:21.289 --> 00:30:25.319 on the day that Jesus was coming, that Jesus should find Martin Luther 384 00:30:25.599 --> 00:30:30.319 doing something productive, not wasting his life, not not sitting around and wondering 385 00:30:30.400 --> 00:30:36.950 about what to do, but rather serving him. In another way of looking 386 00:30:36.990 --> 00:30:41.109 at it, and this comes also for Martin Luther, is that he was 387 00:30:41.230 --> 00:30:45.230 saying I'm looking forward to the day when when Jesus will come, and then 388 00:30:45.349 --> 00:30:52.259 tell that day I want him to see me faithfully producing things in a way 389 00:30:52.259 --> 00:30:55.380 that brings glory to him. How long does it take a tree to grows? 390 00:30:56.099 --> 00:30:59.900 I grow fruit trees and it takes years before they produce fruit, and 391 00:30:59.980 --> 00:31:03.140 yet we plant them in the in the eager expectation that they will bear fruit. 392 00:31:04.049 --> 00:31:10.210 We do so as well in the Kingdom of God. We serve the 393 00:31:10.289 --> 00:31:15.609 Lord Jesus Christ with all that is in us and and when someone says to 394 00:31:15.650 --> 00:31:21.279 us, well, where is this Jesus, we say to them I'm getting 395 00:31:21.279 --> 00:31:23.519 ready for his coming. And when? When, they say to us. 396 00:31:23.559 --> 00:31:27.240 And when is that? We say, I don't know. But what I 397 00:31:27.359 --> 00:31:33.470 do know, that is that he is coming. In Second Peter, Chapter 398 00:31:33.630 --> 00:31:38.630 Three, verses three and four, we read these words knowing this, that 399 00:31:38.750 --> 00:31:44.829 there shall come in the last day, scoffers walking after their own lusts and 400 00:31:45.069 --> 00:31:48.700 saying, where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell 401 00:31:48.740 --> 00:31:52.700 asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 402 00:31:53.220 --> 00:31:56.019 There are people who will say, Hey, ever since the beginning of the 403 00:31:56.140 --> 00:32:02.089 creation, it's always been the same, and and then Peter Warns them for 404 00:32:02.410 --> 00:32:06.049 this. They are willingly ignorant of that, by the Word of God, 405 00:32:06.250 --> 00:32:08.650 the heavens were of old and they are standing out of the water and in 406 00:32:08.730 --> 00:32:14.529 the water whereby the world that was, that what then was being overflowed with 407 00:32:14.650 --> 00:32:21.000 water perished. He uses the example of Noah's flood and he says, look 408 00:32:21.000 --> 00:32:23.400 at this, it's not been always the same since the day of the creation. 409 00:32:24.079 --> 00:32:28.359 Once before God wiped out everything upon the face of the earth. And 410 00:32:28.519 --> 00:32:30.710 then he says in Verse Seven, but the Heavens and the earth, which 411 00:32:30.750 --> 00:32:35.430 are now by the same word, are kept in store, reserved under fire, 412 00:32:36.349 --> 00:32:42.470 against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men, is warning us 413 00:32:42.990 --> 00:32:46.180 that the Lord is going to come and he's going to judge the world in 414 00:32:46.339 --> 00:32:51.180 equity. And then he says, but beloved, be not ignorant of this 415 00:32:51.299 --> 00:32:53.660 one thing, that one day, what the Lord is as a thousand years 416 00:32:54.099 --> 00:33:00.369 and as a thousand and a thousand years, as one day, the Lord 417 00:33:00.490 --> 00:33:04.809 is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but as 418 00:33:04.890 --> 00:33:07.650 long suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that all 419 00:33:08.289 --> 00:33:13.680 should come to repentance. And then he says in verse ten, but the 420 00:33:13.759 --> 00:33:15.440 day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which 421 00:33:15.519 --> 00:33:20.240 the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with 422 00:33:20.359 --> 00:33:22.799 fervent heat, and the earth also, and the works that are therein shall 423 00:33:22.799 --> 00:33:29.710 be burned up. Dear brothers and sisters, are you ready for this, 424 00:33:30.190 --> 00:33:34.829 looking for and hastening under the coming of the day of the Lord, where 425 00:33:34.869 --> 00:33:37.309 in the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved and the elements shall 426 00:33:37.349 --> 00:33:44.099 melt with fervent heat. But what does he tell us to do? Nevertheless, 427 00:33:44.140 --> 00:33:49.380 we, according to his promise, Look for New Heavens and a new 428 00:33:49.460 --> 00:33:55.970 earth. Wherein dwelleth righteousness, so he tells us in verse fourteen. Wherein? 429 00:33:57.410 --> 00:34:00.369 wherefore, beloved, seeing that you look for such things, be diligent 430 00:34:01.009 --> 00:34:07.809 that you may be found in him, in peace, without spot and blameless. 431 00:34:08.289 --> 00:34:15.639 What should we be doing if Jesus Christ came tonight? I would not 432 00:34:15.760 --> 00:34:20.119 be a shamed. I am here in his house worshiping him. I am 433 00:34:20.320 --> 00:34:25.030 ready for his coming. Are you ready? My hope is not in the 434 00:34:25.110 --> 00:34:30.469 fact that I'm a preacher. Preachers need the Lord just as much, if 435 00:34:30.789 --> 00:34:37.349 not more, than anybody else. I'm ready because I trust in the Lord 436 00:34:37.389 --> 00:34:45.619 Jesus Christ as my savior. My hope is not built in anything else than 437 00:34:45.699 --> 00:34:51.780 Jesus, Blood and righteousness. Dear brothers and sisters, what are we hoping 438 00:34:51.820 --> 00:34:57.130 in? Are you ready? Are you ready for the coming of our great 439 00:34:57.210 --> 00:35:01.409 God and Savior, Jesus Christ? We get ready for all sorts of things. 440 00:35:01.449 --> 00:35:05.250 We get ready for school, we get ready for work, we get 441 00:35:05.289 --> 00:35:08.400 ready for jobs, we for a job interview, we get ready to go 442 00:35:08.559 --> 00:35:13.639 on a vacation, we get ready with great anticipation for all sorts of things. 443 00:35:15.000 --> 00:35:20.199 Do you have that same kind of anticipation, that eagerness to see Jesus 444 00:35:20.280 --> 00:35:25.349 Come? They say. I've read historical reports. I don't know all the 445 00:35:25.469 --> 00:35:29.909 details and I'm not sure everything I hear is true, but they say that 446 00:35:30.030 --> 00:35:34.150 in the year one thousand, lots of people went up to mountain tops and 447 00:35:34.269 --> 00:35:37.900 they were waiting for the coming of our Savior and when our savior didn't come, 448 00:35:38.380 --> 00:35:43.900 some of them went down and we're really disappointed. They say that in 449 00:35:44.219 --> 00:35:50.289 eighteen, forty three, eighteen forty six, a bunch of order today called 450 00:35:51.050 --> 00:35:54.889 seventh adventists, went up to mountain tops and waited for the coming of the 451 00:35:54.969 --> 00:36:00.849 Lord and he didn't come. I've heard that in one thousand, nine hundred 452 00:36:00.889 --> 00:36:07.599 and ninety four, some followers of this sky on the radio thought that Jesus 453 00:36:07.679 --> 00:36:13.079 was going to come and when they didn't come they were terribly disappointed. Well, 454 00:36:13.119 --> 00:36:15.400 I wasn't around for the first two events, I was for the third 455 00:36:15.400 --> 00:36:22.349 and I wasn't in disappointed, because Jesus is coming. The promise of our 456 00:36:22.429 --> 00:36:25.110 Savior is just as true now as it was when he gave it to his 457 00:36:25.230 --> 00:36:30.630 disciples, and the promise is from the lips of our Savior and he keeps 458 00:36:30.710 --> 00:36:38.619 his promises to us, dear brothers and sisters, Jesus will come and when 459 00:36:38.659 --> 00:36:43.659 he comes, we will bow before him and we will praise his name. 460 00:36:43.699 --> 00:36:50.889 I know we're Orthodox Presbyterians, so we think Orthodox Presbyterians are going to do 461 00:36:51.010 --> 00:36:54.010 that, and many of us will, but they are going to be people 462 00:36:54.090 --> 00:37:00.010 from all sorts of churches. Yes, they must trust in Jesus. I'm 463 00:37:00.010 --> 00:37:04.000 not talking about unbelievers, but there will be people from many sorts of Churches, 464 00:37:04.480 --> 00:37:08.079 many faithful churches, and many people, I'm afraids, also from unfaithful 465 00:37:08.119 --> 00:37:13.440 churches who still hold to the name of Jesus Christ. There will be people 466 00:37:13.480 --> 00:37:16.750 from every race and nation and people upon the faith, the ears, from 467 00:37:16.789 --> 00:37:22.829 every epic and history, from places we never even imagine that there were Christians, 468 00:37:22.230 --> 00:37:27.949 and yet people who trusted in Jesus Christ. And we will gather before 469 00:37:28.070 --> 00:37:32.900 his throne and we will fall before him and we will worship him, and 470 00:37:34.099 --> 00:37:37.860 that is the day that you should be ready for. Are you ready? 471 00:37:37.860 --> 00:37:42.340 We worry about getting on our clothes, we worry about calming our hair, 472 00:37:42.380 --> 00:37:46.489 if we have it. We we we worry about about whether we're clean, 473 00:37:47.449 --> 00:37:52.849 and I'm not saying we shouldn't be concerned about these things, but there's going 474 00:37:52.889 --> 00:38:00.239 to be people with rags, people with uncombed hair, people with dirty hands. 475 00:38:01.239 --> 00:38:05.599 We were come before the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on that 476 00:38:05.719 --> 00:38:12.320 final day because they trust in him. Are you ready for that day? 477 00:38:13.110 --> 00:38:13.670 Let's pray

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